I’ve been together with my fiance for over 6 years now. I love him to bits but I feel like we have the same argument over and over. Not constant, but the same one. We both like staying at home a lot, he games and I either watch TV or read, but sometimes I just wanna get out and do something. 95 percent of the time he says no or obviously doesn’t want to and goes along anyway. If there’s something I really wanna do, I’ll usually go with my best friend because I don’t want to drag him around if he’s not going to have fun. I just wish there were more things he’d like to do with me. We live together but most of the time he’s on his computer in a different room. I feel like our tastes are so different that i don’t know if this will work out for the rest of my life. Hell, it’s even a struggle to find something we both want to watch on TV together. I just feel like we’re too different sometimes and it truly bums me out. Does anyone else have a partner that’s so opposite to them? Is it worth sticking around?

Tl;dr: my fiancé and I feel like we’re from different worlds sometimes and idk what to do

  1. Early into my relationship with my partner, we had some issues with this. So, we discussed it and agreed we needed to find enjoyable ways to spend time together regularly or it would not work out. So, we brainstormed ideas that we might both like and we tried different things together until we found or created enough overlap to be happy. If he is willing to put the work in to try to fix this, you can see if you can build enough compatibility. You can try new things together and explore each other’s interests to see if it sparks interest. But either you build that compatibility or you likely will drift apart, because you won’t enjoy spending time together, and a huge part of what makes a relationship good is enjoying spending time together.

  2. Unfortunately, if you and your partner can only exist as a couple when you’re alone together, it may not work out. This has happened to me. I have since realized that even though my relationship was lovely when I was alone with this partner, this relationship was bound to the home–and therefore, in essence, a confined to this very specific microcosm we had created. Outside of that…not so much.

    Sorry I cannot offer much help! I did have more in common with my partner, but in my case, it was more so social and behavioral pattern differences. I wish I could offer you more advice. Alas, I feel as though you made this post less for advice and more to help validate your gut feelings. You must know this engagement is not right, no?

    Either way, I wish you the best!

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