Men that had a relationship end due to your struggle with your mental health, did you and your ex find your way back to one another and What changed exactly?

  1. Nope. I won’t even consider getting back with her. My problems with my mental health left with my wife. I never really realized how unhappy I was these last years being stuck with her. People have been telling me for years I’ve changed, I’m not the same person I was etc. Turns out I wasn’t suffering from a depression disorder, I was just married.

  2. When I was in first year of highschool, I was with a girl for four months and I broke it for mental health reasons it was quite abrupt and I really regret it. But in my last year we saw each other and began to talk and even flirt quite a bit. By the end of the year I understood the relation was toxic and worsened my mental health. And she used it, knowing I struggled with dark thoughts whe tried to play with my feelings to keep me with her.
    She told that she was gonna do it then stop sending messages and when I confronted her about this situation and the way she “dropped a bomb then left” she told me it was all a trap.
    I quote her “I didn’t drop a bomb, I just set a trap”

    Really messed up my mental health at that time

    (sorry if it is unreadable, as I’m not an english speaker and the words just kind of came to me)

  3. Nope and since she cheated I don’t really care if she would be willing to get back together – because I don’t want to.

    She couldn’t even handle 2 months of struggle, I’d rather spend my time with someone more loyal and commited than that.

  4. Never went back to her. Didnt see myself with such an amazing woman. She was beautiful and caring. Ended it over text. Supposed to go to her that weekend but I a friend of mine came to my work that friday morning and gave me some cocaine. I thought it would be more fun snorting coke and playing games that weekend other than going to her and chilling with her. That was last year around this time. That weekend was the last time I did drugs. Never snorted again. Saw her a few months back and we chatted abit. Ended up making out. And yeah, we speak abit now and then. She toldme she never got over me and still thinks about me. I cant see myself with and next to her so I will never try to fix thing and get back together.

  5. Nope. I know I’ve always been a mess, but I don’t mind some of it. I’m in therapy to keep the more self-destructive traits at bay. She’s remarried to a regular-ass dude and happy as hell. I was never going to be able to give her that, but I made my peace with it. I don’t miss her, I don’t want her back.

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