Women who dated a professional athlete what was it like?

  1. He was constantly training or gone. If I didn’t go with him I didn’t see him for weeks at a time.

  2. Recently went on a date with a pro footballer, and he was just like any normal person. I was surprised he was a bit more shy than you would think, but it was adorable!

  3. Currently dating a student athlete so not quite professional but still. It’s challenging for sure. You have to accept your place as #2 to an extent. She has a pretty rigorous schedule and I have to essentially work around her schedule. Luckily she’s very intentional about making time for us. Growing up with a military dad sort of prepared me for this in a sense. The travel part is probably the toughest but I’ve learned to enjoy the time apart by focusing on stuff I enjoy. It’s a very rewarding experience getting to watch her grow and play the game she loves.

  4. Does this include sports athletes? Because I’m the daughter – not the wife. And let me just say that injuries? That ruins them, not just physically. Anyways my parents are divorced.

  5. Olympic level martial arts. I spent many many cold winter days in a cold mma gym watching him train and many many nights giving massages and tending to injured arms, back and legs. Steamed a lot of chicken and broccoli. Constantly being second most important, when he got to injured to do sports professionally anymore he switched to online gaming and again did very well. But he’d Play 15-18 hours at a time. Quit his job and made me take care of everything for a year ish. Somehow I got pregnant (we barely had any sex and the relationship was bad at this point) baby was 7 months when I left him. He was cheating and ignoring me/us for days at a time and I was miserable. No one was surprised when I left. Though they where surprised I’d lasted that long (3 years) it’s been an other 7 years now and I’m watching the circle repeat itself with his current wife and 6 month old. They are on year 4, she’s way smarter and more capable than I ever was, I’ll be seeing them on Tuesday and honestly I’ll have to stop myself from asking her when she’s planning on leaving…

  6. After their playing days are done and are all beat up many of them become dependent on alcohol. It’s sad how many of our hero’s decline.

  7. I didn’t date a professional athlete, but a lot of my friends growing up went into one kind of martial arts or another. A couple of my friends are pro MMA fighters and a few went into pro judo and they pretty much gave up on trying to balance a love life and a life of fighting.

    I think one has a continuous relationship but she works at the mines so she also needed someone to accept that she couldn’t always be there too.

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