What are some affluent, conservative, and religious suburbs and exurbs in the US?

Are all suburbs getting more liberal or are some suburbs more conservative than others?

What would be some examples of affluent, conservative, and religious suburbs and exurbs in the US?

  1. I don’t even know how you’d quantify something like this. There’s quite literally *millions* of suburbs in the US. This country is massive.

    Anecdotally, the last two places I lived were pretty conservative, and where I’m at now kind of straddles the line between super low density suburb and a rural area and it’s *very* conservative compared to closest incorporated area.

  2. A lot of suburbs down south.

    Indianapolis suburbs.

    Maine kinda sorta has suburbs and there’s some wealthy conservative ones. Some of the coastal towns are pretty conservative and decently wealthy. It’s a pretty “purple” state though.

    Those are the one I know.

  3. Madison Mississippi

    Mountain Brook Alabama

    And probably some SLC suburb. SLC has super high crime so I bet in city isn’t very attractive so probably has lots of nice suburbs. That’s probably the case with a lot of the Southern cities. They are high crime so just look for an expensive town outside of it and it you’ll probably find what you are looking for.

  4. >Are all suburbs getting more liberal

    Racially and Ethnically Speaking:

    The opposite, increased immigration has turned many communities to consolidate more within their race (this include White majority and Black majority suburbs. White suburb folks now mostly want white folks only and Black suburb folks now mostly want black folks only). Parts of US now look like during the 60s, where the racial integration was just beginning to take a hold and it is going backwards. While cities are quite a mix bowl of racial integration, suburbs are the real place where you see racial divide in the USA, and suburbs are getting hotter in this regard, even in North and East which are usually very pro liberal states. I think this will spill out pretty badly and we will have 60s all over again.

    The country is more politically divided than, say in the 80s or 90s. Definitely not as much as the 60s.

    Basing only on Liberalism vs Convservativism is very broad range, I know folks who have developed Pro liberal and Pro Conservative stances simultaneously in a way that they do not conflict with each other (an example would be a person being Pro US hegemony and Military expenditure but also pro Universal Healthcare and Welfare.)

  5. The Villages, FL is peak Boomerism

    Greenwich, CT was the bastion of Country Club Republicans like the Bush family

  6. This is a massive question. There are 20k towns in America, and over 70k neighborhoods. To say suburbs are getting more liberal isn’t something you can quantify as a suburb in my part of town could be vastly different from one 5 minutes away. I’m not really sure how to answer this but to say it depends on where you live and not what type of area you live in.

  7. Suburban towns/counties/cities tend to be to the right, at least compared to the major city within the urban area.

    To the right might mean purple or light red, or it might mean pretty far-right. It might be more Rockefeller Republicans or it might be full blown MAGA.

    It’d probably be easier to list suburban areas that aren’t conservative or to the right than those that are.

  8. Well there’s about a gajillion of them, but Forsyth County and Cherokee County are good examples in the Atlanta Metro, although both are changing a LOT now.

  9. >What are some affluent, conservative, and religious suburbs and exurbs in the US?

    Almost all of them

    >Are all suburbs getting more liberal

    Lol no

  10. *slams hands on desks*

    *inhales through nose loudly*

    The motherfucking Woodlands

  11. The suburbs of pretty much any big city in any red state.

    In Nashville, Tennessee, it’s Franklin.

  12. There are probably between 10 and 100 cities that lean conservative that are suburbs of a given big city. You’re asking for a list of millions of municipalities.

  13. A fair amount of the suburbs surrounding DFW in Texas. If you want a specific name though, I’d say a town like Flower Mound. While there’s some diversity there, a large majority of the population are rich, white, Christian, and conservative af.

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