A while back I saw a car with one letter difference on the number plate, same make model and trim, last letter was different, then the same day roughly an hour one of my friends sends me a picture of his car next to one that was the same make model and trim with just one letter different on the number plate

  1. Not the weirdest but on the car theme:

    I sold my first car back in 2007 and moved to the other side of the country.

    A few years ago, I came out of my house into our private car park. A few local companies own some of the parking spaces.

    I got into my car and looked at a car parked in one of the company spaces for a while, trying to work out what was bugging me about it.

    That’s when I read the number plate: there was my first car, 10+ years later.

  2. Very similar thing happened to my mum

    Her car was in the format C522 ABC but she could never remember if it was one 5 and two 2s or two 5s and one 2. Then one day she was driving along and when stopped at the lights she idly looked at the number plate of the car ahead. And it was that other car: C552 ABC. She had to pull over and check her number plates to be sure that someone had not cloned her number plates.

  3. My first day at Farmfoods many, many years ago. As I’m beginning to grasp their extensive range of foods, I had an elderly lady come up to me and she asks, “Excuse me. Where are the Faggots?”. Now, as a Muslim, I was most confused. She asked me again, and my mind went blank and I couldn’t what she was saying. I honestly felt like the staff were taking the mick, or she was homophobic. Thankfully one of the other staff members took her away.

    Anyway, it turns out, she was referring to Pork Faggots.

  4. I mean I have had similar thing like this happen to me.

    One time I was at a caravan park in IoW and I saw a security van for the site have a number plate similar to my Grandad’s Mondeo (which he had only just gotten rid of at the time)

    The first half of the number plate was all the same, difference was is the 2nd half of the plate on the van was ‘ZVH’ and the numberplate on his Mondeo was ‘ZYH’.

    The van was a Ford.


    I also saw a car 3 times on seperate occasions which was the same make, model ~~color~~ colour and model as my step-dad’s car. First half of the number plate was the same, 2nd half of the plate on stranger’s car was ‘EOT’ and on my step-dad’s car was ‘EOF’.

    2 out of the 3 times I saw this car, I was in my step-dad’s car so both cars bascially passed eachother 😀

    Also saw a car with the 1st half of the number plate the same as my friend’s mum’s car with the 2nd half of the plate being ‘RJY’ instead of ‘RJX’ (make, model and colour all same) and I swore I saw a car with a similar plate as my friend’s dad’s car but too long ago)

    Worth noting that the 2 cars I saw that had identical plates to cars that belong to or once belonged to my family members were registered outside of Hampshire (that is where I live) but the thing with seeing the car with identical plates as my friend’s mum’s was on a Hampshire-registered plate


    Unrelated, but I also saw the car of one of our pizza delivery drivers at work after he either sold or given to a friend or family member this was in the same area where I work so yeah

  5. I had an out of body experience in bed one night, completely sober and I’m a sceptic in this sort of thing. I was sleeping on my stomach and I woke up as I was floating up to the ceiling and looking down on myself. I was totally relaxed and I started to gently float back down into myself not long after. It was just all warm and cosy and I fell back asleep. This was about 10 years ago and it hasn’t happened again, even after taking up cannabis.

  6. Had an employee number at a job, say it was 15800893 and my next job it happened to be 15800868 or something, I was convinced 15800 was some standard British employee number template I didnt know about, but on the second job, the numbers were total random as other people in my team were like 62973991 or just a random assortment.

  7. On the car theme, I was out cycling once and saw our car coming towards me. I wondered why on earth my wife was out driving over the hills in the middle of nowhere and what the chances were of her being there at the same time as me. Then I checked the plate and saw that it was one letter different. Same car otherwise.

  8. I was driving on the other side of town where I never went, it was a hot day and I decided to go into a shop where I had never gone before to buy a bottle of coke.I was about 35 at the time.

    As I walked in, the guy behind the counter said

    Hi Becky I was just looking at a photo of you,

    and handed me a photo of myself aged five, I had never seen this photo before.

    It was a guy I had been at school with and last saw some 25 years earlier.

    The weirdest thing was the way he said it, as if it was a perfectly normal thing to happen and he had somehow been expecting me to just turn up.

  9. I was in London back in 2013 on a university trip to a book printing facility.

    I got lost and started to go up the street instead of down. I saw a cafe next to a crossing so I went in to get my bearings.

    As I sat down, a fully loaded 20 ton truck full of scrap came around the corner too quick and mounted the kerb, right where I would have been standing had I not have gone in the cafe.

  10. Old Vauxhalls didn’t have many different keys – they said if you had a Cavalier or Corsa you had about 1 in 10 chance of being able to unlock any other one.

    One day I went round the supermarket while the now-spouse went to fill up the car with fuel, then he came to park by the entrance. I walked out, there’s a dull red Cavalier, I unlocked the boot, chucked the shopping in, and got in the passenger seat.

    Only to find two small boys in the back seat. And a man running up to yell at me. And spouse running up from an identical car parked behind to calm everyone down.

  11. When I was about 7, I was sitting in the living room with my mum. We were looking in the local paper for something, and mum said go and ask your dad if he’s got a five pound note.

    I vividly remember a fiver just appearing out of nowhere, mum has no recollection at all.

    A few years of later we were driving into the local city and had stopped at some lights.

    I looked across at some other cars, and one was being driven by a man in a white shirt, black tie and the head of a German Shepherd.

    No one else saw this, it was in a flash.

    This is one of the things that got me interested in The Fortean Times.

    It was a printed monthly magazine, but is now online only I think.

    There are many reports of dog headed men.

  12. I see the number 1337 everywhere.

    It started with clocks, watches etc. Even if my routine was completely different I.e I’m on holiday or abroad, if I checked the time around lunch time, it would be 1337.

    Now I also see it in product codes, prices, excel sheets at work.

    I know it’s all linked to bias, seeing what I want to see etc but it still weirds me out.

  13. I was once sat on a bus, waiting for it to depart from the bus stop. Across the road from the stop was a solicitors office. As I looked through the window, the door to the office opened and a man walked out. He was unusually eye catching because he was rather overweight, had long greasy looking hair and, most memorably, was carrying a *wooden* briefcase. Quite odd, never seen one of those before unless it’s the chancellor giving a budget speech. Anyway, he walked down the road, turned around the corner and was gone.

    Around thirty seconds later, the solicitor’s door opened again and *the same man stepped out*. Overweight, long greasy hair and a wooden briefcase. Walked down the steps, sauntered off down the road, turned the corner and was gone.

    Now, I don’t believe in the supernatural and I know for sure I was fully alert and unimpaired at the time. But I’ve never been able to rationalise what happened that day. The best explanation I can come up with is maybe that a pair of identical twins, each having the same weight, physical appearance and (for some reason) owning the same model of wooden briefcase, were visiting their solicitor together and chose to leave a couple of minutes apart. But that sounds weak in my head, even though it’s the best I can do.

  14. just means the dealer registered a load as a batch at once.

    I walked into an xmas party once and this fit bit just put her arms straight round me and tongue down my throat. Very weird experience.

  15. I used to work as an IT tech at a school. I’d regularly talk with suppliers. I’m based in south east England and one of the suppliers is based Scotland. I regularly spoke to a guy let’s call him John.

    One Friday straight after work I catch the train to my friends place a couple hours away. Traveling light, the only jacket I had was the jacket that had a small school IT dept logo on it – fairly non descript.

    On Saturday wearing the jacket me and my friend go to Chessington World of Adventures. I join the queue of a some ride. As I’m waiting a guy in front of me says “are you MilkyMatt by Any chance” “…yes?” “Hey I’m John from X supplier”

    Honestly it was the strangest thing in the world. We had never spoken about going there or even traveling in general. If I didn’t wear that jacket we’d be none the wiser!

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