So basically my girlfriend (18F) and I (18m) have been on and off together for about 4 months now, she is my very first girlfriend that I have taken 100 percent serious and see me and her being together for a while. But like I said we have been off and on for these last 2 months, I love this girl so much but it feels like she is out to get me and make me feel awful about myself, she says I can’t help her emotionally and that made me feel so sad and horrible to her, I am there for her 24/7 and have talked to her about all my issues and everything that I could do to help her but it seems like she doesn’t want it, we both have different love languages she says, I will admit I am very passionate about love, and always being lovey dovey towards her but she says she is all about making someone laugh and her being taken care of 24/7. Well recently I have been going to see her at work but this time she doesn’t really want me to and she goes to Waffle House after her shift which usually ends around 1-3 am but she gets high and hangs out with coworkers I’ve never heard of before, well I told her I’d love to meet some of your coworkers and get to know them since I let her get to know all my friends in college, well she told me none of them like me and they all wish that she was just single and not with me. You can imagine how I feel about this, I literally feel sick to my stomach when I think of the awful things she says behind my back, but for some reason I still want to be there for her nonstop. I love her to death but I feel that she really doesn’t love me, I can just support her and she likes the attention. Th worst part is the double standards she has for us. She just wants me to never talk to anyone in my dorm when she is not around but she gets to hang out and talk to all of her close friends, while I’m her not even being able to make better friends. What do you guys and girls think I should do? I want to be with her but I feel she talks so bad about me and is so quick to just not want anything to do with me that I should just give up and stop fighting for her, I just have been feeling really used lately even my closet friend that is also her best friend is saying that she has been using me since technically we are not together right now but she still treats us like we are but only to me no one else she is single to everyone but when I talk to her about it I have ground rules and I have to still follow the rules as if we were together. So what are your thoughts on this?

  1. You have different love languages, she treats you poorly, and talks bad about you behind your back. Seems off to love someone like this. Why do you want to fight for a relationship that’s this unhealthy?

  2. do you really want to be with a person who disrespects you? she does not seem to like you that much, or else she would treat you better. she already told you she thinks you’re incompatable. believe her. this relationship is going nowhere

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