Maintaining friendships after college has been really hard. I often feel like if it weren’t for me reaching out, then we would never meet up and get together. I’m always the person that texts others to see how they’re doing.

Should I bring this up with the people I consider friends ? Should I just stop reaching out and faze those people out of my life? It’s been hard feeling like you weren’t that good of friends since they never bother reaching out to me.

  1. I’ve found that there some people you want to stay in contact with, and others no so much over time.

    I still talk to 5 friends from college:

    3 of them we were a close friend group, and we get together usually about once a season, and have an ongoing group chat to share life updates.

    1 friend we only had one class in common, and we talk maybe once a month, and visit eachother maybe twice a year.

    And another friend who was actually more of a study buddy because we lived less than 2 minutes away.

    I’m usually the one who initiates conversations, and meet ups. But I’m also the one who lives the furthest and its harder to coordinate with my schedule. I took a step back and no one has said we should try to get together soon, and I’m enjoying the break for a little bit.

  2. Same

    I started initiating conversations more but if people don’t want to respond or leave you on read ignore and move on no need to waste time on those that don’t matter and focus on friendships with the ones that do care.

    I personally wait around 6 months to a year if I haven’t heard from them after reaching out then I guess the ship has sailed.

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