My boyfriend and I have been together for almost three years. We live together, but lately I just feel like we are spending less and less time together and not connecting. I have been prioritizing hanging out with my friends for social interaction. I have been trying to make sure we spend quality time together. But when we do I get annoyed/ grossed out by things he does like farting etc. The spending less time together is not just on my part but his as well. I know this is fixable but I have been thinking about breaking up with him every day for five weeks. I keep trying to change my mindset and spend more time together but I can’t seem to shake it. We don’t have alot of common interests apart from music, tv and cooking together. When we’re good we are great I just don’t want to make a mistake, dunno if it’s a rough patch or something more? Any tips or advice?

  1. Break up with him. If you don’t want to be with him, don’t drag it out. It’ll suck but the sooner you do it and more honest you are, the easier it will be for you to both move on.

  2. Did anything change? How was it before these 6 week?

    Relationships have their highs and lows but it sounds like you are starting to resent him.

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