Hey all! I am currently struggling when it comes to the friend department. I have a boyfriend, who I live with, and a couple of other friends who live hours away that I only see a few times a year. I live in a very small town and go to a very small school with people that have gone to school together since they were really little. I only moved here a few years ago, and have struggled the whole time, since most people already have their friend groups.

I’ve tried making new friends, but oftentimes we don’t have the same interests, or they’ll find a new friend and kinda push me aside, if that makes sense? I had some online friends for about a year, but they pushed me aside recently. I’ve been very lonely these past four months or so, I want friends to talk to and play videogames with, even maybe have a board game night, or movie night.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m the problem, because it is possible, but I think that people just grow apart, and like I said, not a lot of people in my area share my interests. If they do, they already have a friend group and they aren’t typically looking for new people, you know?

Is there any safe place online to meet new friends? Maybe you guys have some tips for me? I know basic internet safety, and I’m sort of scared to talk to new people. I really do want friends though, and I’m willing to step out of my comfort zone. After all, if I stayed in my little bubble, things would never change.

Thanks in advance and I hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night! <3

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you already have healthy social skills, which is a great position to be in.

    Could you try to make friends with people in a bigger town near you? If you are looking for people to play board games with, and then sometimes videogames online when meeting up isn’t possible, that sounds like the kind of thing there’d be interest in.

    Your approach to safety would depend a bit on how old you are, your gender, etc… I’m guessing you live at home and are under 18?

    I am not actually very connected to the gaming+ world… so just from my meagre knowledge, maybe there is a game store or cafe where you could meet people to play games, not too late, on weekends. One thing that should help with safety is having your parents keeping track of things with you, until you know everyone well and things are well established (and they also know the people involved well enough). That is assuming your parents have the needed knowledge to help keep things safe.

    You might ask around in an internet forum (alas, Facebook groups are often the way to go) if anyone wants to meet up for this kind of thing.

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