As you probably know, there’s been a lot of “news”, if I can call it that, surrounding the whole Phillip and Holly jumping the queue over the past week or so, and the majority of the comments underneath each article are from people being mad at them.

They even got a petition up for them to get fired, which I think reached 50k signatures a couple of days ago (**edit:** 65k as of Friday).

This whole situation got me thinking: are people actually mad at them, or is it simply a case of the media stirring things and people falling for it?

  1. 50k signatures on a petition is fuck all. Its not even enough to get a Commons debate. Also completely pointless because the government doesn’t appoint ITV presenters.

    Most people don’t care.

  2. No, don’t care. Holly Willoughby is a very attractive lady I’m always happy to see on the screen…

    Cancel culture is pathetic

  3. I couldn’t care really, but I guess it highlights the divide in society – the rich and famous getting fast tracked before the peasants queuing 13 hours.

  4. Petition now passed 70k. Beggars belief. The Daily Mail and GB News are stoking the fires of hate, particularly that horrible Dan Wootton.

  5. Its all BS if you ask me.
    I mean, jumping WHAT queue? its not like they jumped a queue to stroke the Queens coffin or personally go to say goodbye. the thousands of people who waited for the procession weren’t in any queues at all. a queue is where a line is formed for people to attend a thing when the previous person has gone in. you wait in a queue, you move forward in turn. what is this bloody queue they are supposed to have “jumped”

    Personally last time i saw Phillip Schofiled he was playing with a gopher puppet, i don’t watch TV. The whole thing is a witchhunt for people with nothing better to do with their time.

  6. Never mind the queue.
    They’re a pair of self-absorbed cretins and I wouldn’t watch them if you paid me

  7. You could draw a Venn Diagram of “people who hate Meghan and Harry” and “people that now hate Philip and Holly” and I bet there would be 100% overlap.

    It’s just morons having their deep rooted bitterness weaponised like it is every fucking time the Mail et al find a new target.

  8. I think it’s more their immaturity can’t watch their show either way it’s like watching obnoxious teenagers giggle and laugh at locker room humour. I know it just might not be to my taste and other people are free to like them. With the queuing though all they had to do was apologise for offending the people that were offended but there egos seem to get in the way of acknowledging critism and instead they got defensive which doesn’t help their cause.

  9. This is classic British media, let’s build people up so much, just so we can then bring them down and pull them through the dirt.

    I think this is more news about why the hell this is news.

  10. It’s just silly, they’re part of the media, like them or not but there will be plenty of famous people who got quick access, it’s not worth the witch-hunt, Phillip’s done worse

  11. I think that people like to be told what to be angry about as they are too stupid or lazy to think for themselves. I don’t think anyone would have really cared about it had the Daily Mail not decided to go on about it.

  12. Since they aren’t a couple, why would they go there together unless work related? And if work related are entitled to the same facilities as the rest of the media?

  13. Some people in our society will literally complain about anything. It’s a validation thing … if you complain and others complain with you then you feel validated and important. It’s the same reason people post shit online to get likes.

    These types of social justice warriors just make people not care about real issues. It’s the same way that extinction rebellion piss people off so much that they become deaf to climate change.

  14. People don’t care… but stupid people get whipped into a frenzy by what the media spoon feed them and join in the pile on.

    ‘Let’s make someone else’s life worse than my own miserable existence so I can feel better about myself’

  15. People who only read the headline care. Everyone hates a queue jumper, the idea of someone using their c-list celebrity status to jump _that_ queue would madden a lot of people.

    As with all such stories, the later clarifications about them legitimately being in the press area are too late. The queue jumper label sticks.

    The media clearly did this on purpose, as the media taking pictures will have known all about how press access works. They literally would have had the same passes. So it’s either some personal grudge, some haughty belief that they didn’t deserve press access because they’re not real journalists, or just knowledge that it would get clicks.

    The fact that some people dislike Schofield either because of his annoying omnipresence in TV advertising or the alleged grooming, cheating, and other drama related to him coming out, will have made it a more tempting bullshit story to write.

  16. i think people are just getting sick of those two being so fucking puke inducing cringeworthy every fucking day on tv. I for one wish that ITV would stop using them for every new TV show they decide to make.


    Fuck off Phil and Holly, its about time.

  17. A lot of people have picked a very strange moment to start whining about some individuals having more privilege than others. It’s the funeral of a monarch, not an NHS waiting list.

  18. Did they actually jump the queue?

    That’s a genuine question, I don’t watch their tv show or follow the bullshit.

  19. It doesn’t bother me at all, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. I felt the same about Nasty Nick on Big Brother.

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