I’ve noticed whenever a guy refers to another woman as a sister and how they want to take care of them, protect them etc, they often become fwb. Why?

  1. This sounds like a sample size issue, not something that is endemic among all men. Is it actually as common as you think?

    Alternatively, if it is common, it’s probably because “like a sister” and “like a brother” are such normalized ways of saying that you’re super close to someone. People tend to have sex with people they are super close to that they aren’t actually related to.

  2. Men are perfectly willing to have sex with their female friends regardless how plutonic the relationship is. That is simply not a deterrent

  3. Idk. I can’t speak for everyone but I can differentiate friends with sexual attraction. I have plenty of friends who I am attracted to, and sleep with a few of them because they’re the only ones who want to.

    I don’t stop being friends with women who don’t though, and that’s not me holding out hope it will happen. If you’re single and we’re both physically attracted to each other, why not?

  4. Because due to millions of years of evolution, the male brain wants pu55y……………

  5. Is that a common thing? I have loved female friends like a sister before but it’d be way too weird to sleep with them at that point.

  6. Because the female version of the friendzone has a much better “benefits” section.

    Lol. In other words women and men put far much more value in what is scarce for each respective party.

    For men; free sex. For women; free genuine male intimacy/attention.

  7. They say sister as a lie they are trying to tell themselves. It is possible for men and women to be friends, but it is VERY difficult for men to separate out the sex from their thoughts, so by claiming sister they are actively trying to convince themselves that they should t be thinking what they are thinking.

    and when I say sex, I mean sex. The thoughts are mostly sexual, and not romantic. So yeah if the woman was all of a sudden like hey you want FWB? Guys will be like 👍.

  8. What is often taboo is tempting but it usually stops before it gets past that.

    So having a female friend that close that she feels like a sister is kind of the way that this taboo fantasy gets fulfilled anyway.

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