The /r/AskAnAmerican moderation team would like to introduce /u/SevenSixOne and /u/SlamClick as our newest members!

Thank you to all our other applicants!

  1. May your ban hammer be always at the ready.

    I am fetching the robes and goat blood for the initiation. I will see you at midnight.

  2. >I am just a doofus on the internet, do not listen to me



    >Tennessee is long




    Excellent choices!!!

  3. Welcome, but I’ll bet they told you this is an unpaid position. Suckers, Cup is at the top of this pyramid scheme and rolling in the mod dough. How do you think cardinals5 retired?

  4. Congrats to the new mods!

    …..I don’t think I realized how many mods were in this sub…. I think you all do a wonderful job, which is probably why I never noticed the behind the scenes team.

  5. So long as they don’t turn it into a censorship hell hole like Politics, they are good by me.

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