What was your first thought when you first saw your S.O.?

  1. He’s fucking hot. Met him at my roommates house party. Did not want to leave my room. Glad I did. 10 yrs later and he’s still hot asf. Probably even more now. Sometimes I just wanna lick him. And then I do.

  2. “Wow, they are WAY handsomer in-person than they looked online.” (And they looked plenty handsome online)

  3. I can’t remember the exact moment where I first saw him, but I remember the moment I noticed him and I felt bad for him. We were in the same 8th grade class and he was seated in front of this girl that had the loudest sneezes you’ve ever heard. It scared the shit out of him and always made him jump. I was the next row over, so since we were closely seated to each other we ended up doing a lot of group projects together, but no actual friendship was established. We didn’t talk once we got to high school until the summer of 11th grade and some mutual friends started dating each other and got re-introduced. At that point he really got my attention and was really quiet and shy.

  4. “Is that my rogue?”

    We knew each other online for years before we actually met for the first time at Blizzcon.

  5. “Woof!”

    The guy knocked my socks off the first time I saw him, even though he didn’t even notice me for another two years and it took us an further 11 years to actually get our respective shit together and start dating.

    Been together 25 years and I still think “woof!” when I see him.

  6. “That’s her”. Both in the sense that we’d only talked on an app beforehand and I was happy when I saw that it was actually her, but also in the sense that she’s the one for me.

  7. I thought, “this guy looks like he’s great in bed”… I was right lol. And he’s an absolute sweetheart which makes it all the better.

  8. He was so well dressed. And had great hair. He really looked like he takes good care of himself, and he does!

  9. for my most recent ex – on tinder, i thought he was your typical football douche. when our mutual friend brought him to a group hangout though, i thought he’s just a huge, shy teddybear. the second impression was correct.

    we weren’t a match but i still love that guy as a friend.

  10. O.M.G. I hope he’s going to be my teacher!

    To clarify: I took extra classes as a student with a study society, where other students would teach you on the subject. Failed the class and switched studies, but 9 years later and happily married though 😉

  11. When I first saw him, I said to myself, “This guy is going to be important in my life”. I married him 2 years later.

  12. He’s loud and obnoxious, but pretty dang cute and sometimes funny. He still is. Although now he’s more hot than cute.

  13. First time in person: Is that him? Is he really a truck guy?

    First time I saw his pics on the app: oh hello 🙂 he is too cute to swipe right on me

  14. I thought he was a lot more attractive than I was expecting. We met online and he was a lot better looking in person

  15. Not current, but my ex boyfriend when I first laid eyes on him at work I thought: “Of I’m gonna F him!”

  16. “What a huge nerd. I need to be friends with this guy.”

    And then we talked about elder scrolls games for an hour straight.

  17. He came down to let me up to his apartment and did this goofy flop around the door. He had long hair at the time, so it was blowing everywhere. My first thought was literally “I’m going to fuck that guy.” Then I did!! Talk about setting goals and achieving them!

  18. sometimes i forget that people are actually in love and stuff. it’s so unreal for me. wow. congrats i guess

  19. He definitely hates me, he rolled his eyes at everything I said. He still does after 15 years of marriage lol 😂.

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