I’m in college, met this guy over summer and we really hit it off. Problem is it’s so hard to find times to meet up ever since school started. He has a job at a restaurant and works a lot, taking 6 classes (engineering) so has to stay up late to study, and plays soccer and has long practices

Pros : we really hit it off, I laugh the whole time I’m with him. Hes so sexy, he’s SO nice and I don’t think he cancels to be flaky.

On our last date though we went to a movie and he fell asleep. I made a joke about it and he apologized and seemed kinda mad at himself for it … later we went back to my place and he just seemed so tired but was trying so hard not to be. I just feel like he’s doing too much and doesn’t have time for me BUT is that dumb? He seems to really like me and be genuine and I really like him too. Should I just be patient? Or am I wasting my time?

  1. Yes. Working around someone else’s schedule, while they’re unwilling to budge to accommodate you, is unfair. It’s also just exhausting. I’d break up with him if I were you.

  2. Yes, you should… I’ve been in this position before. It NEVER works out. People are selfish as hell. They want the whole world to revolve around their obscenely busy life. Meet you when it suits THEM… And I guarantee even while being “busy” they will still find time to go on the dating app to swipe. Dealt with multiple women like this. Never again. I don’t date nurses too. Gross profession for dating. They live their entire lives in the moment because the condition of their jobs SUCKS.

    They can go be busy with some loser who is desperate to see someone who doesn’t even have time to clean their room most likely. Excessively busy people are worthless to anyone that isn’t helping them get more money.

  3. Go talk with him about this before you throw away something that could be great. He’s busy, he has a lot on his plate, and it sounds like he’s trying. He could have just slept instead of going to the movies, but he put you before his own rest and went to the movies.I did this to a date when I worked third shift once, I felt so bad, but she let me sleep and didn’t give me crap about it. Communicate, communicate, communicate, if it doesn’t change after that, maybe he’s to busy for a relationship now.

  4. He’s got his own life I say stick with him, don’t break up with I’m BC he plays sports and works hard.

    I wouldn’t anyway

  5. That is typically what happen when you date in college, but his going to be really well off when he finish his degree and all the girls would want to date him.

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