Hi y’all. I’m the kind of person that enjoys making other people laugh. I personally love to laugh too but there’s one issue- i Fear i might be humorless. Maybe i dont land jokes on times, or maybe its the way my voice sounds?
Any comedians have some advice for me?

  1. Well it really depends on what you want in your interactions I feel. I myself have been thinking about trying to do stand up comedy

  2. I’d recommend listening to some comedy and imitating them and their style of talking. Norm Macdonald, The Adam Friedland Show, The Bonfire, Mitch Hedburg, Rodney Dangerfield…A lot of the time it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that is funny. Maybe learn a few impressions.

  3. Take an improv class. It will help train your release muscles and help your listening skills which will in turn help you come up with things to say on the fly, sometimes even funny things.

  4. emulate media. I particularly enjoy older movies, mostly because they couldn’t rely on anything edgy to get a laugh so they rely on witty remarks. It’s a skill, I would even say it’s an art that no one can really define.

    But also don’t be a prick. Don’t be the edgy sarcastic asshole or the person who “jokingly” insults another person and say “relax, it’s just a joke bro” when they get offended. Don’t rely on shock value, **please.**

    Other than that, it’s trial and error. You will find some people respond to different jokes, some people bring it out of you, but when a joke doesn’t land please don’t be the guy that repeats the punchline so everyone can hear it when everyone did and were just moving on to be nice.

  5. Sounds like you have Down syndrome. I recommend staying inside and not talking to people; you failure!

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