As in Patreon, memberships and stuff.

  1. Small amounts here and there and endure podcast and video ads. Nothing over like $10-20.

    I buy some merch from bands and work by artists.

    Also whatever I pay for streaming services but that’s a lot less personal.

  2. I pay a small monthly fee to get access to new stuff from one of my favorite animator/illustrators.

  3. I pay for YouTube Premium and I’ve heard that views from people with it are worth more to creators than regular accounts, so I guess that.

  4. Primarily, I buy merch from bands, artists, and other creators I enjoy. Digital albums, tshirts, art prints, LPs, etc.

    I pay for Youtube Premium to increase the money they make from my listens and views, while also making the experience better for myself.

  5. Podcasts and stuff? Nothing. Don’t most of them have ads anyway? At least the ones I listen to.

  6. I do dev/creative work, so like to support others in it.

    If I play a free game for a few hours and enjoy it, I’m going to spend some money on it to support them.

    For creators on youtube, I do all the things that helps them with the algorithms and to get more notice. Sometimes will donate during livestreams.

    I keep a couple patreons going at all times to help/encourage/support people that I really like that are just getting started. Once they reach a certain level though I’ll swap to someone new.

  7. I don’t have any subscriptions to “content creators”.

    When I go to shows (ie concerts) I try to buy at least one piece of merch from each band whose performance I liked. Priority is patches and then shirts, and zippered hoodies if there are any cool ones.

  8. I have a YouTube Premium subscription. That’s it, I don’t bother with channel memberships or patreons or any of that.

  9. I buy merch if it’s of value to me, and I pay for youtube premium because AFAIK A. Creators get more for my view than they would from ads, B. even demonetized videos get money from my views, and C. I HATE ADS.

  10. I might throw a tip to my favourite creators on Youtube during live broadcasts but other than that, nothing. I don’t even see their ads or skip them if possible.

  11. Local public radio station membership and a handful of podcast patreons adds up to about $40 a month for me.

  12. I follow a show called internet today on TY, I’ll buy their merchandise from time to time. I’ve been watching them for years now. Great funny stuff

  13. It’s a little weird to see people bragging that they spend nothing and block ads. Like, I’m all on board with not spending money pointlessly, but isn’t it strange how people have gone from paying for cable TV to expecting free entertainment with absolutely no ads?

    I understand using adblock (because the internet is a mess) but bragging about it (specifically in this context to make it sound like you’re doing it to purposefully keep someone from making money) just strikes me as a little strange.

  14. Like YouTube creators and Twitch Streamers? Probably less than $100 total over the last decade. Half that went to my brother last year when he was unemployed and streaming on Twitch.

    But on Patreons or Kickstarters for video games and other one-off media projects, I’ve definitely given more. Not much more, but probably a few hundred bucks total.

  15. >Favourite Creators?

    WTHF is that even??

    From the replies I am going with this some millenial something… so…


    And I block ads, etc..

  16. I pay for youtube premium if that counts, plus I play like $12/month total for access to a handful of my favorite podcasts.

  17. I have a subscription to a news service for $6 a month and a subscription to a game service for $15 a month. I guess these companies are creators? I’m not familiar with patreon.

  18. I follow a couple of photographers and a writer/comedian on Patreon. Costs about $10/mo total.

    It’s worth it, I like them and their work, I like the little bonus posts I get through Patreon, and I block ads on their blogs/social media but still want to support them a different way.

  19. I give five bucks a month to two patreons. One basically makes bi-weekly documentaries about old-ass guns and the other is, imo, one of the best cocktail channels on YouTube.

  20. If someone is producing quality content with voluntary pricing, I try to pay them the equivalent of AAA prices.

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