This is a little long so,

TLDR: girl confused to me, I don’t want things to end up like my last relationship (also my first), what should I do? I’m scared

A few months ago I got a job at a summer camp in the kitchen. My boss was verbally abusive to me and a creep to the rest of my coworkers (all female). Me and one specific coworker essentially trama bonded for the whole summer and near the end of camp she confused to me. I told her I didn’t think I was ready for a relationship yet because I had just been dumped a few months before and was still healing.

My last relationship was with a girl I had been friends with since kindergarten and had had a crush on for the longest time. We lasted about 6 months then she said she wanted to break up and I had and still have no clue why. Don’t know if it was something I did or if it was something on her end. There’s no bad blood between us but we don’t ever talk anymore either so I wouldn’t even consider us friends anymore. I wish she told me what happened though because now I have no clue what to avoid for future relationships

Anyway, I really like this other girl from camp and would call her my best friend. A couple days ago she asked me if I would want to date her yet. I told her i needed to think about it. I wouldn’t mind maybe dating her and I think I’ve had the time to heal from my last relationship but I’m scared. I don’t want things to end up like they did before. I don’t want things to end up awkward between us or us hate each other because things didn’t work out. I don’t want to lose my best friend. What should I do? I’m scared.

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