So I can’t explain why I want to we have been going out a few months and I just don’t want to be in the relationship anymore, she hasn’t done anything particularly wrong I just can’t see us long term. I was the one who chased her for months before we started going out but now she is the one who is in love with me. I feel like the worst person in the world to break up with her but idk how to do it. I left hers this morning and I’m at work all day now but I’m meant to be seeing her later and spending the weekend together which I just can’t do when Ik I don’t wanna be with her anymore. I feel like such an asshole I’ve never broke up with anyone before.

  1. You owe her an explanation if you chased her. Sounds like you’ve stopped communicating and you lack self-awareness, possibly you’ve got some attachment or thrill-of-the-chase issues going on. Let this woman go so she can find someone else who’s less mixed up about things.

  2. Don’t listen to the other comments. You need to go out like an alpha male. This is what you’re going to do. Go over to her place and shoot off your meat cannon like it’s going out of style. After that, tell her that you’re just genuinely disappointed in the type of person that she is and that you can’t do this anymore. Tell her that “it’s not me, it’s you”. After that just walk out.

  3. The best you can do to her and yourself is to be honest. The more you prolong this, the greater the damage will be in the end. There’s no avoiding that. You need to choose the least damaging path.

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