ok i’m not exactly sure if this kind of thing even belongs in this sub but i (22f) have been with my gf (23f) for about a year and a half and the relationship for the most part is healthy. i say for the most part because i unfortunately am dealing with some self esteem issues/problems with insecurity that i noticed have only been exacerbated since getting into the relationship.

i’ve always struggled with problems of inadequacy and this constant fear that i’m not a very interesting or remarkable person. what drew me to my gf in the first place was her confidence and just overall chill vibes. she’s able to talk to pretty much anyone about anything. she’s got so many interests and hobbies and funny little anecdotes to tell and i love her for that, but there’s always this niggling feeling of inferiority in the back of my mind when i think about everything that makes her so likeable compared to what makes me likeable, which isn’t all that much. i’m a very quiet, introverted and reserved individual for the most part and it takes a very specific kind of person to bring me out of my shell like she does.

since we started dating she has gotten to know a lot of my friends and gets along great with them. i would say that i share pretty much all of my friends with her at this point (still not sure whether or not that’s good thing since i’m not very close with any of her friends). recently, though, i’ve noticed how often she sees them in her own time, which is something that admittedly bothers me as i can’t seem to persuade any of them out on coffee dates with me. lately they just seem so much more willing to spend time with her. the majority of the time i spend with my friends these days, she is also there, and it’s come to the point where they feel more like her friends now than they do mine. i can’t help but feel like i am not interesting enough for them and it’s really been putting on strain on things for me. i also feel like i just don’t really have my own space anymore now that all of my friendships are in a way tied to my relationship.

i haven’t spoken to her about these issues in depth because i don’t want to make her feel bad for something that she most likely is not aware of. i am on a waiting list for a counsellor so hopefully that will maybe ease some of the strain and i can find healthy ways of dealing with these feelings through treatment, but i guess i’m just wondering if anyone else here has gone through something similar and how you went about dealing with it.

TL;DR – i feel boring compared to my girlfriend and as though all of my friends prefer her. i love her and want to be a supportive partner, but am not sure how to deal with feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.

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