What “masculine” expectation do you most wish would vanish from all the minds in western society?

  1. The “masculine” expectation that we all secretly wish we could express ourselves exactly like women do.

  2. You do know you don’t have to live up to any expectations you don’t want to, mfers act like they took their spines and gave them expectations

  3. in our own minds? probably that spending $$ or time or emotion on someone should necessarily lead to sex, as if it’s owed them. this is a big problem.

    in general society’s mind? probably that too many people still expect guys to be tough, stoic, unfeeling, and reticent about their emotions and hardships. it’s toxic and it causes a lot of suffering–not just to the guys struggling under this weight, but also to the people around them whom it affects negatively.

  4. That politeness is weakness. You never know what other people are going through and how a little bit of kindness can help out their day.

  5. That “manliness” requires adherence to some gender role stereotype. There are a lot of culture war types these days lamenting how men are weak now, citing things like “they let their male kids paint their nails.” It would be pretty sad if masculinity was fragile enough to let painted nails break it.

  6. Nothing pr se, but rather the hypocrisy of it all. Online masculinity is toxic, irl these same women would hide behind your masculine back if shit hit the fan.

    If i were to want some masculine trait removed though i’d have to be stoic, silent and broody personality. I can’t imagine these people being any kind of fun.

  7. The expectation that men aren’t supposed to talk about feelings or express unpleasant emotions. It’s a load of shit and infuriates me, I want to hug every man who feels they need to meet this standard.

  8. Woman here but I’d love to see the expectation that men are the head of the family and supposed to be the bread winners/sole financial provider go away.

  9. That crying and showing emotion makes men weak.

    In both mine and my husbands opinion, a man who’s secure enough in his masculinity to be vulnerable and cry around a friend/family member or partner is the opposite of weakness and makes him more manly. It shows strength and confidence. I find a man who can do that is more manly than one who believes men shouldn’t cry.

    My husband talked to me about this a month ago, he shared his views and I completely agree.

  10. You can’t like fruity drinks, or flowers, or anything else that is considered “girly” unless you are gay. Imagine if we did the opposite “sir, aren’t you a bit too gay to be a mechanic?”

  11. That you’re supposed to be a chik-magnet/fuckboy during teenage and/or college years or you’re failing in life.
    That showing emotion is weakness.

  12. That I’m only worth what I can provide for others.

    Human beings should have intrinsic value, regardless of their life situation.

  13. Men not being able to show affection towards male friends without being seen as gay. I have bros that I love like family, but even I’m still hesitant to show too much affection to them.

    Many men do not receive affection from anyone except for a female partner if they have one. Not receiving affection can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders, and men are usually the ones who suffer from a lack of affection.

    Fortunately, this is slowly but surely starting to change for the better.

  14. The need to defend drunk women who cause their own problems (i.e. mouthing off to others)

  15. This isn’t really a masculine expectation, but I wish it was more acceptable for men to talk to and engage with children. There have been times I’m hesitant to engage a child out of fear for how I’d be viewed.

  16. it’s probably been commented already but – height. we revere being 5’10+ as being ultra manly so much and it needs to stop ngl

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