Edit: Add what state you’re from as well if you don’t mind

  1. r/AskTrumpSupporters

    It’s actually not a bad sub last I checked, pretty civil as long as people keep it that way.

  2. I voted for him twice mostly because it’s a two party system and I’m not a Democrat.

    I’ve found his behavior atrocious for years but I liked a lot of his policies going into the 2016. I was also hopeful that being a political outsider would bring about change too – drain the swamp and all that. I voted for him less confidentially in 2020. His behavior in office was horrendous but my main concern was he seemed too think skinned to ever get anything done. His entire day was consumed with responding to any barb a journalist would make.

    His behavior since his loss has been reprehensible though. I would be legitimately shocked if he seriously runs, much less gets the nomination, but I wouldn’t vote for him again.

  3. Let me preface by saying I was asked this question and I’ll answer. Don’t do the Reddit thing and debate me or downvote me to hell. I won’t reply to any comments except from OP because I’m not playing this game.Because I think America needs a timeout from being the world police and the destination for immigrants. I want a leader who will put our citizens first, let us get our shit together and help ourselves like other countries have done for centuries. We have so many problems and if we just closed the borders for a decade we could do so much for our citizens, and if we had other countries paying their fare share, we could finally heal ourselves. Trump, brash as he may be, put America first and wanted to hold the rest of the world to their responsibilities. Also, I’m done with lifelong politicians. The Clinton’s, Bush’s, all of them. Notice how when we finally didn’t have a career politician in office that the wars stopped (or no new ones), gas prices were down and we stopped trying to rule over the world?


    Edit: Additionally, the fact that Hollywood, the media, Big Tech and lifelong politicians fought so hard to go against him made me like him even more. Those industries are so rampant with scandal and abuse of power that I take pride in being on the opposing side of them.


    Edit 2: A good clip of why I like to oppose Hollywood, the media, social media and a lot of Democrat politicians. Remember, they’re currently banning people from anything if they say the 2020 election was stolen.




    They all said that claiming the election was stolen was misinformation, promoting violence and a conspiracy theory. They’re currently trying to have Trump arrested for this.

  4. People, particularly foreigners, are puzzled by the election of Trump. The assumption is that the “best” candidate is the most experienced.

    Consider this: given the voice between a highly effective and experienced tyrant, and a bumbling ineffective tyrant, which would you choose?

    This is the choice we faced.

  5. The ones I’ve asked say:

    “When you don’t look at the things that don’t really impact policy, his appearance, bluster, the things that make him generally unlikeable as a person, his policies and actions are reasonable and in line with our beliefs.”

    I get that, if you look at Trumps presidency without the social aspect, his crass and frankly offensive personality, and so on, his policy decisions as president really weren’t the worst.

    His position on China, position on NATO spending, etc, are, in hindsight, not terrible. Just unpalatable because they come from a toilet.

  6. Between Hillary and Biden I believe Trump was the better option. Better does not mean best, it’s the choices we were dealt.

    My ideal candidate is someone under the age of 50 so we’ll see what happens in 2024.

  7. Because Trump did a ton of good for the US. Imo, we shouldn’t be taking in a quarter of the world’s immigrants, we shouldn’t be in the Middle East, and I like free speech and guns.

    I don’t agree with everything he did (Bump stocks come to mind), but the alternative was horrible. The Democrats are actually trying to bring back the 1994 AWB, for example. I’d much prefer a bump stock ban over another AWB.

    If the news throws a hissy fit, all the better because I don’t actually watch Fox or CNN or any of the big 6.

  8. When you look at his policies and what he actually did he was good. When people shit on him it is 99% his rhetoric. He was right on a lot of things and the media lost their shit which makes me like him more because it showed their hypocrisy.

  9. I don’t like or support Trump (past voting for him against Clinton…that felt like a lesser of two evils situation), but I also don’t agree with blanket statements for anyone (let alone politicians).

    He did several things I approve of, despite disliking his overall Presidency (same as Obama, W, and Clinton).

    For example: Increased support for mental health services for veterans, increased support for getting women into STEM fields, called out the need for more energy and defense independence for Europe.


    I can’t stand the whole 100% support or opposition that seems to dictate a lot of online conversations about our politicians. It makes people ignore anything they might actually support or oppose because it gets wrapped into a generic hot take.

    Like “Obama is coming for our guns.” Towards the end he tried to do a couple things that were shot down (pun intended), but his executive actions actually made it easier on gun owners.

    Properly secured guns in luggage on trains, and properly registered guns in national parks were allowed again by executive order in his first term.

  10. I did not vote for Trump, but I have some family that did. That being said I can say he was right on a handful of things, namely China and Operation Warp Speed.

    Their main driver was the fear that a democrat would raise taxes on businesses. They own a family business and didn’t want to “give away” profits. They also thought his stance on immigration was better, including the child separation policy because “it would deter people from entering illegally.”

    They were also acutely aware of how many judges needed to be placed and wanted republicans to have that say because “they’re tougher on crime than democrats.”

    Lastly, they fucking hated Hillary Clinton and voted against her as much as they voted for Trump.

  11. It’s policy, success in delivering on those policies, and willingness to fight back that made, and still make him a viable president in my book. So many Republicans have pandered to Conservatives in the run ups to elections, then not bothered to even attempt to deliver on their promises once they were in office. So many have taken the approach of “surrender first, pretend to fight later.” So many have folded like cheap suits when the Dems call them names. It was refreshing to have someone in the Oval Office who did what he said he’d do, fought for his beliefs, and refused to be cowed by the insane vitriol and violence of the left.

  12. I don’t think people should be downvoting this submission. It is a fair question. And since you can’t ask this in most mixed forums because of the sheer hatred for this man or hatred of his opponents, this is a good place to do it, however you feel about him.

    We have to stop getting into this habit of knee-jerk downvoting anything which might be controversial or because a question may be asked for purely provocative reasons.

    It’s important that people like me – who despise Donald Trump, and I do despise him to the core – understand the reasons why his supporters vote for him. Anyone who understands the current state of things should understand why this is important, unless they’re the kind of people to project malign motivations on everyone they disagree with.

    I will say, slightly askew of the subject, that non-American readers should understand something about their disapproval of Donald Trump, or US policy, or the United States as a whole: Foreign disapproval of the United States has no practical effects on the lives of Americans, because in the same way as anti-American celebrities wind up moving here for the money, the vulgar love of money Americans do not hide, but a lot of foreigners do, keeps your countries doing business with us.

    All of Europe could align against the United States in terms of rhetoric, but all of Europe still takes the NATO money, the financial ties, our cultural products, and so forth. To fully understand why Americans don’t really take into account how Trump may look on the foreign stage, this must be understood. To our most of our adversaries, Trump looks short-fused, slightly unstable, and occasionally aggressive. And Americans want their adversaries to see the president that way.

    For many of us, his coziness with Russia was one of the most alarming aspects of his presidency. I would have hoped, as a consolation prize, he would have been as tightly wound against Russia as he was with China.

    There is also a subtext that the country has trouble articulating – for the past 20 years nearly all masculinity has been the subject of derision, generally as “toxic masculinity.” The cultural conversation has centered around femininity, Me Too, LGBT issues, and so forth.

    I think the focus on this, and the way it has manifested in pop culture, has displeased a lot of Americans who see in Trump the irrepressible masculine energy they feel (this isn’t my take; I don’t give a fuck about gender) is being ground under the heel of feminism and suchlike. And I gather this just by listening to Trump fans once they get beyond the measured out, articulated reasons they supported him. It’s after they’re done, take a chug of beer, and then start kind of mumbling, that this masculinity thing kind of shows up.

    People can feel about that however they like, but it is not hard to gather this just by watching Trump fans in a group, online or elsewhere.

  13. I didn’t vote for Trump, but know plenty of who did and the common reasons were:

    – The Supreme Court
    – anti China
    – He wanted to enforce laws (illegal immigration is breaking American laws)
    – Tired of spending so money in Europe and NATO while the E-union became more reliant on Russia
    – He said what was on his mind and gave the image of a fighter
    – He wasn’t Hillary. Hillary had 20+ years of GOP media bashing her and they hated her.

  14. Well I didn’t love trump, and still don’t. He’s a fucking buffoon.

    But holy shit do I miss his presidency. 2019 was like a dream compared to now.

    I was also a fan of his anti China stance, his drive for energy independence, and his calling out Europe on not pulling their weight for their own defense and being way to reliant on Russia (although he wasn’t the first in that regard).

    Also my 401k was up like 25% or something crazy like that, instead of down 12%. And there wasn’t this out of control inflation.

  15. Not American, but it’s almost like it is just inconceivable for the media/social media to understand that people trust them less than they trust Trump. So the more they comically villify him, the more appealing he is to a growing section of the population.

    Trump actually talked about illegal immigration without involving identity politics, he appealed to swing voters who were tired of the Democrats not addressing their unemployment issues, and he appealed to people all over the country who were sick of “the establishment”. He wasnt’ a life long politician – he was new blood. That’s what people wanted.

    It’s much the same reason that the Republicans will win the Presidency during the next election. The Democrats are obsessed with identity politics that most Americans don’t relate to, and they’re increasingly out of touch with reality. That’s saying a lot because Trump basically lives in a different universe than reality.

    I found it very cringey that the Democrats didn’t look inwards after they lost to Trump, but instead doubled down on their bullshit. You can call someone racist a million times, you can blame Russia, you can point the fingers at anyone but yourself – but unless Democrats actually addrress issues that affect peoples lives, they’re going to be very disappointed with the results.

  16. If some one other than Trump runs, likely no chance of my vote. Dunce? He needs to learn his 15 minutes was up after he was announced as the ceremonial VP for the ticket! Sit down, shut up, go away! Noemie??? Puhlease she blew it over not forcefully dealing with one single issue. There are several others all listed about.. and welp.. nope, NO.

    Political Outsider – As not in in politics as a career. Any business owner/operator is going to be involved in politics as it affects their business.

    Supports American Values, ie: America First, not selling out to CN, and every other backwater in the planet. Getting Americas industrial house back in order. Energy independence, attempting to get a REAL NAFTA as in North Atlantic Free Trade deal with the US, UK and CA as it should be! Brexit was the perfect chance for the UK to come trade with the US and add in CA in one best trade alliances of, well, ever. Boris didn’t get it done for some reason, and Truss is a snake! She is not interested, she is going to regret this choice she is making! And I say let the UK find out like DE about its ill decisions.

    Speaks bluntly, which is a big thing for me. Speak the truth, don’t gild it, spit it out! In other words he speaks just like I do and post. Here it is, like or not. I don’t care.

    Illegal Immigration = WALL IT UP! And YES WE CAN make MX pay for it! 30% TAX ON EVERY REMITTANCE OUT OF THIS COUNTRY be it to MX or CN or any other Central and South American Country! Straight to the United States Southern ***DMZ*** Fund.

    I do not care about twats or what ever. I don’t use that crap, so could care less. President Trump chose to play in that cesspool and got covered in the sewage. I really just don’t care.

    If President Trump runs in 2024, he has my vote! Period.

    If some one other than Trump runs, likely no chance of my vote. Dunce? He needs to learn his 15 minutes was up after he was announced as the ceremonial VP for the ticket! Benedict needs to Sit down, shut up, go away! Noemie??? Puhlease she blew it over not forcefully dealing with one single issue. There are several others all listed about.. and welp.. nope, NO.

  17. I didn’t vote for Trump, BUT I was traveling for work and Trump was standing in front of the Carrier air conditioner factory that was primed to be shuttered and off-shored to China. He was the only one who basically said, “enough is enough.” Middle America has been hollowed out, our jobs sent overseas to essentially our enemies. Our wages have collapsed, people lost their health insurance, and the means to have a dignified life. He tapped into that anger. All the democrats/republicans had to offer were terrible low wage service industry jobs and promises to retrain people to install solar panels. (Many who trained never found a job with those skill sets.) Deaths of desperation from things like alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide have sky rocketed in these regions. I truly believe people saw him as a means to get their dignity back.

  18. I don’t love Trump at all but I also don’t hate him nearly as much as his detractors.

    He’s a brash, abrasive, and pushy bully kind of executive. But he won in no small part by at least pretending to care about the working class in this country. People wonder why they would believe a gilded billionaire from NYC but that makes me ask “Why wouldn’t they believe the Democrats?” Because Democrats aren’t even trying to care about them. Turns out you can’t just depend on a voter bloc staying loyal when you ignore them at best and insult them at worst.

    I also found the opposition to him to frequently be hypocritical and childish. There’s tons of things he was wrong about but focusing on how many scoops of ice cream he ate undermines real critical discourse about him. He was also derided for acting on things that Democrats supported like moving the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

    I don’t support Trump but I think if he had a boring personality he’d be seen as an okay right of center president. It was mainly because of his ridiculous and bombastic personality that he’s so obsessively hated.

  19. They love the way he acts and treats people like mocking that disable person. Every republican cheered that one. Trump is what every republican is truly like down to their core. Trump gets to publicly act how they wish to act. Plus he’s a conservative republican which means every republican supports him

  20. Good policies are more important to me than whether a person has a huge ego, an odd complexion, or exaggerates a bit to make a point.

    Remember when German diplomats laughed at Trump because he warned them for their reliance on Russian energy? He saw what they were unwilling to see. The remain in Mexico policy that reduced the flood of illegal immigration was a good policy. The current loss of life at the southern border is a direct result of Biden saying “surge the border.” I agreed with Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court. His focus toward our country and it citizens and his push to make Europe more accountable in supporting NATO. Of course when Putin starts a war and warns Europe where do they look for help? NATO.
    His efforts in the Middle East to bring peace between some countries. The First Step Act. Standing up to China and trying to establish some kind of peaceful relationship with North Korea. His support of our energy sectors. I can’t write a formal paper here but you get the gist.

    The vote for a frail man clearly in mental decline was a vote for a destabilized world, inflation, just general chaos, and the ridiculous liberal policies of transgenderism affirmation on young impressionable people.

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