I’ve been seeing this guy a month and we met and instantly started hanging out every day. It got intense pretty fast but it was great. We’ve been exclusive but then I had another talk with him last week seeing where the relationship is going. We both agreed we really like each other and don’t want to see other people, but need to get to know each other better before having a title.

It’s been an issue for me with his girl friends since he has a lot and hangs out with them a lone. He also works with a bunch of women. He also has a guy friend group of single guys that party a lot. He knows I struggle with the girl friends and the next night I come home to her posing a picture with him sitting on his lap and kissing his check on her story. I was so fed up as I kept being upset the past week and just said it’s done.

He responds the next day with just a hello. Then the next day said cool delete me on everything with no context and asked why I hit him with that the other night. I explained and he said sorry he didn’t know she was going to post that (he reposted it the following day) and said blocking me on everything is over the top. Then said we should have a talk in person and I said if that’s what’s going to give you closure and he never said anything else.

My friends told me he’s been posting out with other girl friends on his story. Do I reach out? Am I crazy? I miss him a lot and want to talk, but idk if that’s dumb to do. I’ve met her and she is very touchy with the guys.

  1. If you guys agreed to be exclusive? Then block em. On everything, block his girlfriends and friends too. Tear that crap out of your life, he’s made it clear how much you’re worth to him.

  2. Just read the title and nothing else BC I don’t need to. If it makes any difference I’m a guy but yeah, you don’t sit in someone’s lap as a friend if they’re the other gender, girls who’ve sat in my lap wanted to bone.

    If he kissed her back or didn’t get her off him then he’s prob gunna cheat if he didn’t already.

    Dumb and move on.

  3. Yes you are crazy. I have my female friends pose in WAY more explicit scenes with me for silly pictures and my girlfriend doesn’t care at all. And she has abandonment anxiety issues.

  4. So after a month of supposedly great times, and a mutual agreement to be exclusive, when you see something provocative (and like the other post says, girls don’t just casually sit in your lap and kiss you as a friend) and it makes you upset, his response is “okay delete me”?

    You’re being used.

  5. Girl no!!!! Know your worth! He’s just using you and keeping you on standby! Dump him and block him on everything! He doesn’t get the luxury of spying into your life without making an effort to be in it.

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