Hey all. I hope someone can help me with my problem. About a month ago me and my BF broke up, but after a week we got back together. We live together fyi. Now we argue over small things(like leaving a kitchen towel in the wrong spot) and arguments turn into big fights. He is always first to raise his voice, blame me for everything and even calls me bad words. Always losing temper and always says: a person can say a lot of stuff when he’s mad. He gets really defensive and says: I don’t feel guilty for anything. Everything is your fault. I don’t know what to do.

Another thing: for the whole 1.5 yrs of relationship he had me on his phone homescreen. When we got back together I asked him why is he not putting me on the screen again. He said that this is childish. THEN WHY DID YOU HAD ME ON THERE FOR 1.5 YEARS?? I don’t know what to do.

One day is full of love, happiness, joy. When I critisize him I turn into this big monster and I have to go frick myself. What does that mean?

\*\*TL;DR; : This is a sample summary of the TLDR rule, all things are bold. Is this going the right way?\*\*.

  1. Why did you guys break up in the first place? Who broke up with whom? Is this type of behavior new for him?

  2. Whatever made you break up doesn’t seem to have been resolved. You are just now back in the same situation while hating it. It might be time to call it quits definitively.

    You are now still on speaking terms. Good timing to negotiate how to minimize the financial disaster and get out of the lease and such.

  3. He sounds verbally abusive and you sound like you’re fixating on a neatly meaningless gesture to avoid dealing with the obvious toxicity in this relationship.

    Break up for good this time.

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