My bf and I have sex about once a week. I have a very high sex drive and prefer to come once, or multiple, times a day. He’s a perfect match for me in every other way except for the sex drive mismatch and I’m perfectly content masturbating the days of the week we don’t have sex. My question is would he be offended if he found out what I was doing? I want to tell him but would it hurt his feelings. What’s the best way to address this? Ty!

Short story: I have a high sex drive and my bf’s is low. Would he be offended to know I masturbate every day?

  1. I’m not sure why he would be offended. It’s not like you’re turning down sex with him in favor of masturbating

  2. As long as you dont say “I do this because youre not enough/ dont have sex with me enough” there should be no problem. Youre allowed to masturbate in a relationship.

    If hes offended or reacts badly thats actually his problem, not yours, and needs to work on his own insecurity or self esteem or idea of what masturbating actually means.

  3. We don’t know your bf, you do. I think you are in a better position to predict whether he would be offended or not. If he is though, he needs to get over himself. It sounds like it’s something that you enjoy and time for you so it’s not like you’re gonna stop. You can just find a time to bring it up or wait until it comes up naturally.

  4. I believe there would be a wide range or responses to this information depending on the particular guy. And to be honest, we don’t know a lot of potentially pertinent facts. We don’t know how long you have been together. We don’t know if this has been your sex frequency since you have been together. We don know if you have tried to initiate sex with your boyfriend.

  5. I don’t see that there’s any reason to tell him. And I don’t know why he would be offended, it’s really not up to him.

  6. You should let him know that you do it first of all, because thats something to talk about and you shld know what’s happening in eachothers sex life. Second maybe ask him if hes down to have sex before you try handling it yourself, it’s possible he also has urges and dosent talk about them. Also he most likely masturbates aswell and gets urges, it’s possible you guys can have those urges together and possibly have sex.
    I know how this feels cause this exactly happened to me (18M) my (18F) girlfriend masturbated on the side somewhat often and kept it from me cuz she was afraid id feel upset but i didnt know that, and i got jealous and scared i wasnt enough for her, but i didnt bring it up cuz I masturbate to and im not gonna be unfair but i always had that thought in my mind, But after talking we both are ok with eachother satisfying out own sexual urges but it was good to clarify its not cause im not enough but im just not available at that time and driving to my house she might lose that urge or i might not share it, that cleared my mind alot because it clarified me about our sex life, but we try to include eachother as much as possible now or at least i hope to, maybe were not always both down but when we are the intimacy is nice

  7. Damn…I can tell you I would be ecstatic if it was me. I would want to know what you fantasized about. I would want to watch. I would want to participate kissing your ears and neck and lightly nibbling your nipples. Sounds really hot to me. We could do it together and share fantasy stories. Wish I could find a woman my age like you.

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