I’ll preface by saying I feel like half the time I don’t understand social cues and rules. So sorry if this seems obvious to other people, for some reason it’s not to me.

But anyway

I know that when people leave a plane the general rule is that people file out from front to back. So you go aisle by aisle, filing out.

So I’ve always done that. No issues. I’m chill with waiting.

But I had one issue where I think I faux pawed that I’m trying to understand.

I was towards the back of the plane. Everybody had filed out. The row in front of me had exited, except for one woman, who was in the far right window seat.

She was still in her seat row, and had paused and was fumbling with something on/in her bag.

So the aisle ahead of me was clear. The other people in her row had already gotten to the front of the plane and were exiting. And I realized that everyone behind me was blocked by me waiting in the aisle for this woman.

I got nervous, because I’d never been in a situation like this before. Usually people are very prompt leaving the plane. So I wasn’t exactly sure what to do.

So I got nervous about being in the way, and made the split second judgment that I should walk forward. Thinking that made sense because the people behind me might get mad at me for waiting for this woman for too long and blocking them in.

So I walk forward, and as I pass the woman turns, and starts making this big kerfuffle about common courtesy.

She was like complaining about it loudly for like the whole entire walkway behind me. And trying to recruit other random passengers to agree with her that I was rude.

I felt bad. I was just trying to be polite to the people behind me and get out of their way.

I also have lived in New York City for a while so I’m also just used to getting yelled for any kind of hesitation by the people behind me even if it’s me trying to be polite or patient with the person ahead of me.

It’s basically taught me the mentality of if you have the space, go forward. Otherwise the people behind you will be annoyed that you’re blocking them.

It was also a six hour flight and I was drugged up on some anti-nausea medication that I have to take for air sickness, so I’m sure that didn’t help my critical thinking skills.

But I do feel bad and like maybe I did the wrong thing?

But I’m not sure, because I could also see myself feeling bad if I hadn’t walked forward and someone behind me had gotten impatient that I didn’t just go.

So I’m not sure what’s “right” in this case?

What would you have done?

  1. yeah if you wait and they don’t go then you go because you can’t block the people waiting unless the people ahead of you are actively getting out since it’s technically a safety concern to block the aisle longer than necessary. I did the same thing once and the flight attendant told me that and to keep moving

  2. I guarantee after a six hour flight no one is agreeing with her and grateful you moved forward. Sorry she reacted that way! This is the normal thing to do.

  3. No, you did nothing wrong. If anything, you probably could have gone *sooner* if she was taking so long, and your instincts are spot on about not blocking the aisle for the people behind you. You tried to be courteous to her, though, so waiting like you did was fine.

    It sounds like she’s the one at fault. She wasn’t ready to go and was holding up your row. Maybe she happened to finish up right as you moved past. That would be an unfortunate coincidence but, again, she’s at fault for creating the situation by taking so long.

    She was probably self conscious about holding up the line and figured that blaming you would make her look better. I doubt anyone sympathized with her.

  4. you did nothing wrong. If that lady cared about common courtesy then she wouldn’t have hung around for so long. The common courtesy to file out from the front first relies on the other common courtesy for those in front to get up and leave relatively quickly, rather than making everyone wait for them.

  5. She just needed something to be mad about or felt embarrassed for taking so long or she is entitled as hell and expects everyone to wait on her. You did the right thing. Don’t feel bad.

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