What are some of your favorite ways to be physically intimate without having sex? My boyfriend and I have a great sex life, and I enjoy all of the sexual things we do, but I love so many other forms of physical intimacy. We take baths together, cuddle naked/clothed, give massages, etc. To me, it’s so much more than just the sexual aspect of being physical. I’m looking for more recommendations and would love to know what you all suggest!

Edit: grammar

  1. As a current member of the Virgin community and low rank single male member I would say, getting crushed by thighs👍 but seriously, I would think massaging each other with oil or lotion on your back is a great one to do or just get a oversized shirt and both of you be in it for the day, it’d fun to do honestly and it makes you rely on each other in it. There is also sleeping and listening to heartbeats. That’s a calming one as well and comfortable but it works only one person at a time. These are some activities I think are fun to do🤔 you could also make him dress up as girl and you dress up as a guy. It’s funny that way.

  2. Regular simple touching, holding hands, PDA,, lots of cheek and lip kisses during the day, hand on leg when sitting, all that sort of thing

  3. We usually shower or bathe together and just lay tangled with each other while we play on our switches while nude lol.

  4. Simply kissing. Just pulling her close on my lap and exchanging sweet meaningful kisses. Not the rough and heated kind. Parting occasionally and just looking at her and smiling and then closing the gap again. Fuck I’m a sucker for these moments with her

  5. Okay so many things, buy a sexy massage/tantra kit. It comes with feathers and other items for touching. Stare into each others eyes. Masterbate each other, you can’t touch yourself. Only allow nipple play. Dancing is always fun too!

  6. Back massages,holding your significant other from behind,cuddling,holding hands,napping together.

  7. For me it’s all about touching. Just any touch, anywhere. I love it when someone plays with my hair or just slowly caresses me. Anyway to be physically near someone is great.

  8. Foot massages, leaning noses and foreheads together, holding hands, leaning against each other, sitting with our feet touching or legs tangled (I really like doing this when sitting opposite each other sharing a couch, with our feet meeting in the middle), tickling or blowing raspberries (only with consent, some people haaaate these because of the feeling of loss of control!), bumping shoulders briefly as a reassurance or greeting, slow dancing, silly dancing, wrapping arms around someone from behind when they’re cooking at the kitchen counter…

  9. Cuddling and spooning. Doesn’t matter whether I‘m big or small spoon, just the physical closeness and comfort of trusting someone.

  10. It’s been a while since I was in a relationship but I have a fwb who is very touchy lol. He hugs me and puts his hands just under my shirt, and just kinda caresses my lower back. I think it’s very intimate and romantic, and also incredibly hot.

    Same guy likes to kiss or bite my ear lobes when we cuddle and it’s one of my favorite things.

  11. The wife and I have something called Ass Cuddling. Basically we aren’t wearing bottoms and use my cock to “dock” in her butt cheeks as we spoon. We can watch tv in this position and at night it’s our usual go to sleeping position. Since it’s inception it’s evolved to also cupping a boob as well wirh my hand to further embrace her into me. We love it and while it’s kinda sexual it doesn’t lead into sex although sometimes it does lol

  12. Nearly every night, we shower together and I scrub his back with a lovely smelling soap and a scrubby. It feels good, smells good and I get to be soapy, too. 😉

  13. My girlfriends love language is definitely physical touch, so, obviously sex is huge. So, aside from touch, if she’s standing someplace I like to put my arms around her from behind, place my head on her shoulder, maybe kiss her if she turns her head to me. From that position I can rub her hips, boobs, legs, neck, all are good.

    When we’re sitting my hands are often playing with her hair, gently drawing circles with a finger on her arm, shoulder, upper back, or just arm around her, or just hand on leg.

    When we’re in bed, not necessarily about to have sex, or definitely just after sex, my hand has free reign for anywhere up and down her side, hip, thigh, calves, all the way up to her hair, and any naughty bits in between.

  14. My wife loves it when I come up behind her and put my hands on her waist and feel her curves and a kiss on the back of the neck. Usually when she’s doing dishes or cooking or brushing her teeth or something.

  15. Back rubs and massages… yes sex often follows but not always. When I stop getting light friendly backrubs is when I know she is upset about something big.

  16. we take a shower together most mornings, wash each others body and hair and most of the time no sex, just intimacy.

    we also like cuddling, massages and planning dates for each other. for instance last weekend she surprised me with going to a car show (which i love) next weekend i am going to surprise her with going to a local farm that has stalls that local craft makers have booths in (loves looking at craft stuff).

  17. Oh jeez, definitely things like baths and hugging while cooking. Holding hands, entwining while cuddling, and just always touching even in the smallest ways 🙂

  18. My girlfriend is not a fan of PDA, but when she holds my hand or kisses me in public, it feels like so much more than just a kiss or just her hand in mine.

    I will occasionally hug her from behind in the kitchen, lean in kiss the back of her neck, come up behind her and rub her arms a little bit then leave, sit next to her and have my arm around her while watching stuff, turn my body more towards her if I sense she’s feeling more frisky.

    I love going to sleep together and just being intertwined. I’ve recently been the holdee instead of the holder and that’s great as well. Massages are a great way to show this as well.

  19. I kiss my wife’s forehead, cheek, and neck randomly. I also rub her shoulders when she’s working at her desk, pour her coffee in the morning, bring her a blanket when she sits on the couch, wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in for a hug from behind when she isn’t expecting it, hold my arms out and have her walk over to give me a hug when I want one, pick her up in a hug sometimes, feed her a spoonful of something I’m cooking after I’ve cooled it off, sit right beside her rather than across from her every time we eat out somewhere, and play little games with her being overly silly.

    Last silly play argument we had I jokingly demanded she clean the dishes for the mess she made making a cake I asked for. And she jokingly said she would take a fork and eat the entire cake by herself, one bite at a time, if I didn’t do them. So we both raced to the kitchen telling each other to do the dishes before I held her from behind and we play fought over a spoon, laughing hysterically.

    I ended doing the dishes giving her a ton of playful sass. Then we kissed and cuddled watching TV.

  20. I rub/grab my hubby’s arm. Hugs, kissing, he cuddles up to me and sleeps with his head on my lap, hold hands, I rub/scratch his back. Lots of spooning. And he’ll grab my boob when we cuddle & call it his cuddle boob. He also massages my ass. After that, we’re usually fucking.

  21. I express my intimacy through art and quality time. I will create something for my partner. Spending time together doing an activity with each other or completely unrelated activity but in the same room. Parallel play. That’s when I’m most content and connected.

  22. I love giving my bf “head scratchies” and “back scratchies” aka I just play with his hair+scratch his scalp and use my fingertips to scratch his back and shoulders. It sounds basic as hell, but it’s our favorite way to be intimate. Doing this cuddled up on the couch on in bed, naked or clothed or in between.

  23. Some comments are already made that I would suggest…random requests for a sexy kiss when you think of it.

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