Okay, so this is a weird problem and I haven’t been able to find any information about it online. I’ll be seeing my doctor fairly soon but wanted to ask if anyone had ever experienced this or heard of it happening.

I’ve had SI joint/lower back pain for a long time, so I’m familiar with what that feels like, but recently I started having an odd, pulsing/stabbing pain in my hip any time I so much as fantasize about my partners. As in – I start thinking about getting oral or imagining being touched, and pain shoots through my hip, no matter what position I’m in. My hip also hurts during sex, particularly if I’m getting oral or something else that involves really direct stimulation on me. It’s not overwhelming, but it’s bothersome. I’m wondering if a particular pelvic nerve is compressed or something, like the contraction of pelvic muscles with arousal is putting pressure on a nerve somewhere…? I don’t know! It’s really strange. If anyone else out there has hip pain when horny, I’d love to know.

Of note: Sex feels fine otherwise, no pelvic pain, and I’ve recently been screened for STIs. The only info I can find is about tight hips causing pelvic/vaginal pain…but I have the reverse problem.

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