So basically I’m a uni student and around February time I needed to start looking for a place to live for this current uni year that just started. I decided to move in with my best mate/roommate for the previous years and 2 of his mates I’d not met. We signed the contract and everything and then around spring time I thought I should hang out with his mates. Straight away I had a massive crush on, lets just call her x. me and x got on extremely well and tbh kinda flirty but at the time she had a bf. The more we hung out the more my feeling grew. Then in summer she broke up with her bf and I was the first person she came to to talk about it. I’m not an arsehole so I didn’t try anything. A few months went by and my feelings still very much there and she was getting more flirty by the day. We were texting 24/7 and even facetiming some nights. Then just before we move in I tell her how i feel to try and make it less awkward for me but she said she feels the same and things happen. We move in and get very intimate, something I’ve wanted for a long time. This lasts about 2 weeks before one night we go out, have a really good time, very flirty and coupley we go to bed together, i wake up the next morning, go to work, kiss her goodbye. But then I get a text saying she can’t do it anymore. when i get back we talk about it in person and again I’m not an arsehole so I don’t try and fight it if she doesn’t want it she doesn’t want it but tbh I’m really struggling. She gave me everything i wanted and then took it back with a snap of a finger. Normally I’d be chill after a few days but i live with her and can hear her laughing and watching tv with my best mate and stuff like that. I purposely haven’t left my room much because I’ve now got crazy anxiety about seeing her, i feel sick and trapped in my own house. It’s not her fault and I wish I didn’t feel like this. I wish i could go back to being friends that easy but I’ve never had a crush this intense before. Has anyone ever had anything like this before/have any advice to make me more conformable and to get rid of my feeling quickly.


TL:DR; Had a crush on a girl for a while, and chose to live with her before I’d really met her. confessed my feelings just before we moved in, and she said she felt the same was great for 2 weeks then she ended it now don’t know what to do

1 comment
  1. Things didn’t work out. You were openly romantic towards each other for just two weeks. It’s time to move on.

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