And now I’m starting it too!

I thought I’d share this in case anyone else wanted encouragement to try this too, and because frankly, my husband is sexy and creative as hell and I can’t brag about him to our friends, so the next best place is Reddit.

We were a long-distance couple for 6 months before we moved in together, and we would send nudes and have phone sex, until one day my husband sent me a video with instructions to watch it in private. I (stupidly) opened it in public, and saw my husband sitting on the couch say, “Hey, babe…I miss you so much. It’s been too long before I *cue list of super sexual acts here*”, and I had to rush to shut off my phone, stuff it down my purse and leave the store and watch the rest at home. He basically made a video for me to use when I masturbate and “need a little assistance.”

This became a thing of ours for a while: me requesting vids and him sending them. Defintely helped us be connected sexually through the distance.

This stopped when we finally closed the distance, but then in the last year before we got married, my husband had a crazy work schedule that had him traveling so much that it often felt like we were in a LDR again. Videos started back up again.

Cue now, when his work has settled down and we’re having plenty of IRL sex but then he randomly sent me a video when I was driving home from work. I got home and sent him one in return while he was still getting home, and now it’s a thing, he wants even more videos from me.

We’ve become the only porn we watch and it has been so much healthier for us and so much fun.

  1. That honestly sounds like one of the most healthiest marraiges I’ve seen on Reddit in a long time. It sounds like this is a kink for the both of you. I would imagine you two would end up expanding that one day.

    If you’re open to ideas, then I’ve got a few:

    1) (you probably saw this coming) make an actual scene between you two

    2) try a photoshoot. Try on some lingerie for him, and let him take the pictures. Go from picture like the full outfit, then start photos where you strip, finally all the way until fully nude. Possibly print them out, and have physical album for home.

    I hope this serves you two well!

  2. My husband and I do exactly the same thing, and it’s been such an incredibly intense experience. There’s something just so achingly hot and primal about creating personalized porn for your mate with the full knowledge that you are the literal embodiment of their fantasies. 🔥

  3. >…sent me a video with instructions to watch it in private.

    Why would you just ignore his instructions about something like a video?

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