Me and my friend have planned to go to this con for about a year, we went to the same one last year and immediantly booked this one after. I had a lot of fun at the last convention (It was my first one!) But this time her friend is going and there’s already been so much drama.

Like my friend being accused of cancelling her friends hotel but then it turned out to be some other woman and I was even a ‘suspect’ and one point. (yes really) I don’t even know these people, never met them. My friend has told me this girl has said she dislikes me. Again never even spoken to or met this girl in my entire life.

I have social anxiety and I’m working on getting an ADHD diagnoses because I’ve been having alotttt of issues lately, especially sensory wise, getting emotionally overwhelmed etc. I feel like this convention isn’t going to be the same and I’m going to hate every minute of forced fake social interaction because her friend that supposedly hates me is going to be hanging out with us all weekend from breakfast to dinner!

I’ve tried multiple times to bring this up to my friend and she says it’s fine, that she won’t let her friend intrude on us too much but I already feel like it’s too much. But I also feel like an asshole to be like “hey your friend can’t join us”

I haven’t been looking forward to this con at all, infact I’d rather not go. But I feel conflicted like “oh I’m really not going to go because of this girl?” Everything is paid and non refundable as well so waste of money. But if I do go then I’ll have to pay even more money ugh.

How can I decide whether I should go or not? I also fear if I don’t go my friend will hate me.

  1. I think you should just go, you’ll probably end up enjoying it. And if the girl is tagging along and you find her annoying, then maybe leave the group and go somewhere on your own.

  2. So this may be a bit difficult for you given your background but imo, the best solution is communication. A lack of which probably caused this scenario and an abundance of which might just help it. Talk to your friend. Tell them you don’t feel comfortable going after what happened and at the same time value your relationship. If you go with unresolved feelings, it might either go ok or escalate in an uncontrollable manner. TALK IT OUT.

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