I want to know specifics.

1. How long do you look?
2. How long do you look away?
3. Where do you look to?
4. How often do you blink?
5. Does blinking count as breaking eye contact?
6. When do you initiate eye contact?
7. What do you do with your mouth? What facial expression should you hold?

Thank you in advance for any advice.

  1. 1. 3.3 seconds is the magical number, they say.

    2. Until you’re confident enough to look again

    3. Pick one eye and look at it. If you’re too afraid look above their eyebrows, it isn’t much of a difference

    4. Natural blinking

    5. Not usually

    6. Whenever you feel, but not too much unless you want it to be creepy

    7. A slight smile is fine, even a nod is okay. Dont smile creepily.

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