What do you think is better the MLB all star game or the NFL pro bowl ?

  1. I’m a fan of baseball, and not really into football, so not much competition for me. Even so, I haven’t watched either in years.

    Prefer minor league and college sports.

  2. The NFL is playing flag football for the game this year, so I’m going with MLB. Plus the home run contest is awesome.

    If they added some sort of accuracy/distance contest for outfield throws, I’d watch that, too.

  3. Easily the MLB All-Star Game. The Pro Bowl is the most pointless “all-star” event in American sports. The players don’t care, the fans don’t care, and because of the timing it inherently never includes the players on the two teams in the Super Bowl.

    [And apparently this season they’re switching to flag football](https://www.nfl.com/news/the-pro-bowl-games-reimagine-nfl-s-all-star-game-by-virtue-of-flag-football), so I guess even the NFL is done pretending it isn’t a joke.

  4. Anything is better than the nfl pro bowl. And I fucking hate baseball. The only saving grace for the nfl is that they’re moving more towards competitions instead of the travesty of the pro bowl game

  5. Both are really lame unless you’re 10 years old, but I’d rather watch the MLB all star game.

  6. The NFL pro bowl is terrible.

    The MLB asg is the one all-star game that’s most similar to an actual game. But even then it has notable differences, such as pitchers being replaced every 1 or 2 innings.

  7. The Pro Bowl has been ended, btw. They’re doing a flag football thing now or something.

    I have never really watched much of either one but I’ve always thought the ASG is more interesting. The Pro Bowl has been super boring for years.

  8. Is this even a question? The Pro Bowl isn’t better than anything, except for the players and their families who would get a free trip to Hawaii out of it.

  9. MLB All-Star Game, for sure.

    It helps that baseball is a game of individual performances. Football teams have a high degree of organization. The offensive line, for example, needs to be very coordinated with each other, and defenses need to be able to react to each other.

    Baseball doesn’t have the same degree of ‘togetherness’, excepting a few particular skills (most notably, turning a double play in the infield).

  10. The All Star Game, even though it’s also pretty underwhelming. The associated Home Run Derby is a lot of fun though imo

  11. MLB and it’s not even close. the MLB All-star game is the only all-star game that has any real spark to it. It happens in the mid-season. It acts as a reference point for the season (“…since the All-star break.”) The way baseball works, it’s cool to see the combined team assembled that can actually play. Maybe they wimp out on pitching a smidge, but it’s less neutered than the other sports. The pro bowl has been a dainty pointless exhibition game for a while. Basketball, well the Olympics is the real basketball All-star situation imho.

  12. MLB ASG and it’s not close. It’s one of those events that reminds the viewer that it really is just a game at the end of the day. I love seeing the players put there just having fun.

  13. The NFL Pro Bowl has been a joke for awhile. Thankfully they’re making it flag football this year with a set of skills competitions. This is the first year I’m actually looking forward to seeing it

  14. I don’t watch men’s professional sports. Women need more coverage and airtime so I vote with my viewership and watch other female athletes instead.

  15. I don’t care really about either one.

    *As a kid* when I was more invested in my teams, the MLBASG would have been more important.. and especially seeing that my *Big Red Machine* players were on that field!

    Today, I couldn’t care less.

  16. Well at least the all star game is actual baseball. The pro bowl is a joke and complete waste. But NFL overall is much better than MLB

  17. All-Star Game:
    a) I don’t really like gridiron football in general.
    b) I *especially* don’t like the NFL in particular.
    c) Even people who prefer football over baseball say the All-Star Game is better than the Pro Bowl.

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