As you know, our land is the melting pot of the world, which means we have ethnicities of all kind. I want to know if you are an unusual mix of any kind and if so, then what is it?

  1. I’ll start. I was born in NY to a Puerto Rican mother (born in NY) and a Bengali dad. Me and my brothers were raised as Christians (my dad is Muslim). It’s a rare mix, but I’m proud of it. I consider myself Bangla Rican.

  2. Yes and no, depending on location. I’m Japanese and Irish, more or less. In Indianapolis, I may as well have been a circus attraction. In San Diego, I know tons of fellow half-Asians.

  3. I am simultaneously 100% Asian and half Asian. Schrodinger’s Asian. /s

    Yeah, my parents are both Asians, just two different kinds of Asians. So I’ll let you decide if that is mixed or not.

  4. My husband and his siblings are half Japanese, 3/8 Dutch, and 1/8 Indonesian–don’t know how rare that is, though. Their parents met in an English-as-a-second-language class.

  5. I’m living in Midwest, and it’s kinda interesting. I saw many half white and half asian here and California, but one difference seems that in cali, it seems more of half-east-asians (like Chinese, Korean, and Japanese) while here it’s more of half filipino or Indonesian.

  6. I don’t know if it’s considered an “unusual” mix, but I’m Japanese and Spanish (as in Spain).

  7. No, I’m 100% Indian(Indo-Aryan). Pretty cool to know my ancestors gave birth to Hinduism, Sikhi, Jainism, and Buddhism.

  8. in my area not at all

    just white with ancestry hailing from ukraine, czechia, germany and ireland.

    all seemingly entering the united states around 1900

  9. It’s strange to have a mom from the mainland and a dad from Taiwan. They were US citizens before I was even born, so I really have three identities to contend with. All I know is I have roots in all three countries, and that means something.

  10. Northern European, British, Iberian, Native American….The Spanish side were in New Mexico and like my Tejano friend, the border crossed them.

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