Had to get all the winter gear out and it is supposed to be just the start of autumn.

  1. Yeh dropped off a cliff here in Edinburgh.

    Gone from thin jumper and light waterproof jacket for walking the dog at 7am to thick jumper and I’ve even had to pull the winter coat out. It’s not that it’s necessarily colder, it’s still like 10-14C, but it’s now damp which makes it feel colder.

    Remember though, there’s 600 miles of lattitude between north and south extremes so not everywhere will be the same.

  2. You probably just feel like it’s colder than usual because of the crazy summer heat we had. Acclimatisation and all that.

  3. Not nearly cold enough to feel like winter yet, daytime temperatures are still in the teens most days.

  4. The temperature has definitely dipped. Yesterday was alright, but Tuesday took me by surprise and left me snivelling. I’ve also had dry skin from the cold and my knuckles are a bit scabby.

    It’s confusing as mid day is in the mid teens where I live, but in the morning when it’s not sunny, it feels winter like. It could just be the fact I haven’t worn my coat since Spring and need to start wearing gloves again outside. It does feel rather sudden though, considering I was worrying about sunburn last weekend and now I need to moisturise my knuckles to deal with the colder air on my skin.

  5. I went from shorts and generally warm weather gear to an overcoat and scarf in less than a week. Yes.

  6. Nah. This is autumn.

    Autumn is chilly, for sure. But not icy, snow on ground, nose freezing off winter.

    I’ve put on thermal vest. Not my long sleeves yet for work

  7. Sure, it’s autumn – but it certainly feels to me that the progression from “shut the windows / time for a sweatshirt” to “my hands are cold, my feet are cold, where are my thermals?” has been very quick.

  8. Sorry, it’s because of my birthday. The weather always turns just after my birthday, especially if I’m bold enough to have a BBQ or picnic. Most years it’s the last BBQ we have of the year. Guaranteed bad weather the weekend after my birthday.

  9. It feels like it, was nice and sunny yesterday.. today grim and horrible. I want to live in t-shirts 😢

  10. This September has been colder than we are used to. There’s usually a week or so of late summer around the start and that didn’t really happen. Add in how hot the summer was and the change was pretty intense.

    Average September daytime temp is 18, I’d guess this year has been more around 16, but will have to see.

  11. I have had a few weeks of light jacket but did not feel like it was a proper transition into autumn

  12. I mean it’s colder… but 20 degrees again next Tuesday apparently, so not quite there yet

  13. No, this is as Autumn as Autumn gets! Wonderfully so. The season of mists (which need cold damp) and mellow fruitfulness.

    There’s likely to be a warm spell in October, followed by gale force winds in mid-to-late October and all of November. Highs of ten to eighteen degrees (that warm patch), lows of ten to minus two (worse in rural areas and Scotland).

    After that it’s unpredictable – Decembers of late have been unseasonably mild- but there’s also likely to be a cold, *cold* snap in March with snow.

  14. It’s not even cold.

    It’s been what? 19c.

    Today’s 15-17c, that’s not even far off our usual summer 20-21c temps tbh.

    You’re probably shivering cos you’re used to it being 30-35C with our abnormal summer this year.

    If you’re struggling now, wait until Jan-Feb when it goes to 0-5c.

  15. We all acclimatized to the unbearable heat over the summer (was it 3 or 4 heat waves?). Now the slightest chill feels like a baltic blast.

    It is also October, September seemed to drag on but also went by in a flash. For most people who get paid at the end of the month it’s only 2 more pay days till Christmas. Which is a depressing thought.

  16. Within a couple of weeks, it’s gone from being 14c in the morning to 5c. The day time temperature has dropped slowly, but the overnight/morning temps have dropped off a cliff.

  17. No, Autumn, it’s just cooled a little, gone a bit more grey and it’s drizzling out. Officially Autumn.

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