What are some things that you and a close loved one do not align on? Has this affected your relationship negatively? How do you work with it?

  1. Parenting styles. I have an authoritative parenting style, while my partner authoritarian parenting style. It has affected our relationship dramatically, and it is one of the biggest complaints in our relationship. Honestly, we are still working on it. It has been very difficult and rocky. The kids and myself are always walking on egg shells.

    Interdependency relationship. I’m very counter-dependent, while my partner is codependent. I don’t ask a lot for help, and I do a lot of task independently. As for my partner, he always wants to do things together—run errands, work out, watch tv, read, travel. We are still working on it.

  2. Apparently there’s a few things such as planning, doing certain things together, expectations, and so forth. Lately, it has caused a lot of log disagreements discussions where I’m left feeling like I’m not good enough because no matter what I try I feel I just make things work. I have tried talking about it but that seems to be the issue. I don’t know if these things will work out or not.

  3. My mom has become anti-vaxx and into conspiracy theories, very much against “mainstream medicine” in the past decade or so. It’s frustrating as hell and I just avoid talking to her whenever I can, unless I have a topic where I know it won’t be an issue. I think she knows and avoids talking about it with me too, to not alienate me further… but still.

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