I’ve noticed I have this habit of saying good morning or good day when I accidentally get eyecontact with people.

I guess I’m pretty polite by nature, but I don’t see a lot of other people doing the same.

Is it weird, or should I stop doing that?

I kind of stand out from the crowd with my beard and tattoos, so I often get some attention when I’m at work or gatherings.

It just kind of feels natural to acknowledge another person’s presence when I accidentally get eye contact with anyone near me.

  1. That’s fine, probably good that you do that. Maybe I wouldn’t do that downtown or while waiting for a subway or something, but just out and about occasionally I’ll say hello.

  2. I’ve always enjoyed unexpected polite greetings from strangers. It kinda always cheers me up. I say keep doing it.

  3. They will know that you grew up in a village, but other than that, never hurts to he polite! (Source: I grew up in a village and still do this after 20 years in the city).

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