Hi! I’m in a bit of a complicated situation.

I (f,29) met someone through work (m,26) 5 months ago. We get along great and he really goes out of his way to talk to me. I asked him to see a movie a while ago and we ended up talking for three hours after it. He said we should do it again soon but never followed through.

In the past four weeks somehow he’s acting different. He’s kinda shy I guess and has had some bad experiences. But we text daily, usually until late in the evening or until one of us falls asleep. He sends me certain memes and videos with content that he knows I like or find funny, offered to go grocery shopping for me when I was sick even though he lives two hours away,.. when I talked to a male friend (platonic) about a personal matter he reacted..weird?

We have one hobby in common and I suggested we could do that together one day and he immediately agreed. I can’t be too specific about it but good weather is necessary so it’s not an option for..right now. That conversation was weeks ago.

Yesterday he asked if I would like to go bowling with him and mentioned that it could be fun because he’s apparently awful at it and hasn’t done it in ages. I’ve never gone bowling so I guess I’m just as awful:D but I’m down for it so I agreed.

What do you guys think? Is he trying to ask me for a date? Is he just friendly? I don’t have that much expierience so I have no clue…

  1. I really think he likes you! You don’t go shopping at 2h from your house just for a coworker, I think he’s just shy and don’t want to messup your relationship if you don’t feel the same way 🙂

    Maybe you should do the first move

    Please update us! 🙂

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