I am married to a woman who makes almost 4x what I do. I am a trainer and am starting a tutoring foundation for troubled youth. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without what she brings to the table. I grew up conservative Christian, and I still am, but more open minded. My Dad taught me, as well as my two younger brothers, to be the sole financial provider and to take charge of our families. My wife is Christian, but we see things differently. I lead emotionally, spiritually, and in terms of helping us resolve conflicts, but I give her room to do things she is passionate about. I love seeing my wife enjoy success in her work, and being able to celebrate it with her. The idea of a capable woman who has something to offer and has a bag is a huge plus in my mind. Why do men get so turned off by this?

  1. Women always want a man that makes as much or more than them if not they lose respect for them. Not saying this is a 100% but it is the majority.

  2. Don’t saddle these women with guys who have to be talked into dating them. They need to recognize the value of it on their own or they’ll just carry those attitudes over into the relationship.

  3. If they grew up conservative, they probably aren’t that interested in career women and that’s fine. I know progressive men who don’t really want career women, either, and nothing is wrong with that, as long as everyone is okay with how things will go. Like, I have a friend who is as progressive as they come, but he makes a decent amount of money. He wanted a career woman, too, but fell in love with a girl who is progressive, but she wanted to be a housewife, the joys of choice are great right? They decided that worked for them. They aren’t married yet, but that is the dynamic they want, so once they do get married and start having kids, she will be leaving her job to raise the kids and take care of the home. If your younger brothers want a more traditional marriage then them wasting time dating career women will just be that, a waste of time. It’s never good to try and talk someone into liking someone when they don’t want to because they will be doing it because they were told, not because they want to and those relationships won’t work. If they come upon a career woman they want, believe me, they will change their minds, but it’s not up to you to change it for them.

  4. Big surprise that the comment section is reflecting the toxic masculinity your dad is teaching your siblings. That a man’s worth is his paycheck, and providing the bulk of the income to a family.

  5. Both of you being in love, happy, is a teaching in itself
    I wish both of you lot of happiness ! 🌸

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