I (22m) got a good libido i would say. (Easy 3 times a week. My girlfriend (23f) a little bit on the lower end (once every 3 week). We’re at school, but we have enough alone time and energy for sex. We started the relationship and she had a high sex drive, similar as me for one and half year. But now, its been one year like this and it get so frustrating. I want someone to initiate, someone who cant wait to jump on me. I still wanna fuck her so much, when we have sex, i cant it hold very long since its so uncommon. Its fun sometimes to wait for three weeks. But sometimes, god is it frustrating. I masturbate too, but even that doesn’t solve it. Should i talk to her? Should i reconsider what i want in a relationship? Its my first time dealing with something similar. I dont know what to say without making her feel bad. Its like she can help me. She’s perfect in every aspect but god do i wanna fuck

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