Who or what has become your arch nemesis and why?

  1. Coffee, it used to be my greatest ally. Now all it does is give me a 5 minute rush & crash, unbalanced PH and a ton of bile and indigestion but I can’t stop drinking it…

  2. Middle-aged to old male customers at work. They manage to have this amazing knack for being incredibly needy and incredibly rude at the same time.

  3. This fuckin house.

    Cause if its not one thing to fix, its another.

    Pretty soon the only original stuff is going to be the Frame and Slab >_>

  4. Some dude I know from highschool who was a friend thinks I slept with his girlfriend who he gave an std to. So he wants to fight me and he’s been working out for a year now preparing for it , I guess he is? He wants to be me and was mad when his ex he gave an std to was drunk and flirty and I made no attempt mind you.

  5. My dick. He refuses to get erect when I’m with someone hot who I desperately want to fuck. But will get ramrod hard when I’m in the company of absolutely non-beautiful females.

  6. I stopped giving a fuck about people so I don’t think that way anymore. Nobody is important enough to be my nemesis

  7. One of the nurses at work. She keeps stealing my protein shakes out of fridge 👺

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