When was the last time your were strung along? What was the last straw?

  1. My last relationship. He knew he didn’t want to be in serious and committed relationship yet didn’t break up with me. Did the classic pull away and got annoyed that it made me upset. Gave all the classic excuses and just enough “but I do have feelings for you” that I didn’t leave.

    It got to the point where I was very upset and I got more BS excuses and then he finally said he couldn’t give me what I wanted or needed, couldn’t tell me if he even liked me anymore and had never been committed to me…so I ended it. Still got the self pitying “I’m sorry I’m a piece of shit” line. Not even a sorry for hurting you.

  2. A couple of years ago. I knew things weren’t serious, I pick up on those signs very quickly. However I was way too patient in how rarely he wanted to meet, and it only become more rare. I don’t know how but I ended up seeing him for three months. At that point I saw him every 2-3 weeks only and I finally had enough. That’s the only guy to ever string me along as I haven’t allowed that to happen again.

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