It’s a rainy Saturday, so I thought this would be a nice topic to read about and live vicariously. What are your favorite walks or walking/hiking tours in your country? Can be urban, or a nature walk. Please also give us a little description and tell us why you like it 🙂

My favorite city walks in Turkey are in Izmir, along the Bay of Izmir. The first one is at [Kordon Boyu]( You can walk beside the seaside and watch the sea and the ferries. There are usually a lot of people just hanging out at the bars or cafés, walking, or sitting on the grass. It’s a lot of fun. In the evenings I like to get a couple of beers (like everyone else) and sit at the wall. The second one that I like is along Inciralti, there is also a museum warship that one can visit, it’s quite cool. But there are many more.

My favorite nature walk is [Ihlara Valley]( in Cappadoccia. You have nature and history all in one place, it’s really gorgeous. The walk itself isn’t long, but there is so much to see, it takes all day. Recommended especially in early autumn (around this time it’s really nice).

  1. The Netherlands has quite a dense train network, so the national rail operator NS has set out [quite a few walks]( where you start at one station and walk to another one. They often go through some of the nice bits of nature we have left in this country.

    It’s a nice way to walk because I always hate walking in a big circle, I’d rather go from A to B

  2. I live near the coastline, so I either walk on the beach or in the dunes. I love to walk in the dunes, their are walking routes from 5 km up to 25 km. I like to put my ear plugs in, listen to podcasts while enjoy walking through nature, enjoy all flora and fauna. Most of the time it’s quite with the occasional horse rider, cyclist or MTB’er or other hiker.

  3. I like to just stroll around the city, going whereever I’m attracted to or intriqued to explore, without a predefined goal or route. Though, I have noticed, there are a couple of features I end up by regularly. A certain passage through a yard, into an old garrage, and out through it on the other side, to another street; a stretch of path along an active build-site (wonder what happens when they’re done;) and across a cobbled plaza, though it may be in any direction what-so-ever.

    This idea, of walking from A to B is less of a leisurely thing to me, or walking around with a purpose, seems often more than a task, unless ofc. there is a leisurely purposes (like going to a café, or dining) while strolling around, with nothing as a goal and nothing particular to see, gives me sort of a breathing-room, it allows for both long and short strolls, and it allows me to focus more on the urban spaces.

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