That basically. Is there a single or couple of recipes you eat often enough to say “yeah, I eat this like a third of the week”?

  1. Apart from generic things like fruit and cheese,no.

    There is no one ‘recipe’ that I regularly cook and eat more than once a week.

    If I make a lot of something though…say chilli,or curry…then we might eat that two or three times in the same week.

    Obviously as an Italian I eat pasta more than once a week! Though not every day,as many Italians do.But I eat different pasta with a different sauce, not always the same one.

  2. I am quite keen on experimenting, and I also have a garden so I try to make use of the vegetables which are in season. Like lucapal, the only time I eat the same thing multiple times is if I have made too much of something (and my husband is not around). We usually try to mix up cuisines/ingredients and get a lot of variety. I cook meat max. once a week, and make sure I source it sustainably.

    I love cooking, so if I have the time I will totally fuss over and make something complicated. I make almost everything from scratch as well.

  3. Typical Dutch diner is vegetables, potatoes and meat. Vegetables can be things like chicory, green beans, spinach, cauliflower or red cabbage. During winter days we eat a lot of stamppoten, vegetables (like kale, sauerkraut or unions and carrot) with mashed potatoes and a rookworst (smoked sausage). Of course we wat other cuisines as well. Often one day in the week I eat pasta with tomato sauce or Asian, especially Indonesian nasi or bami.

    Traditional Dutch breakfast and lunch includes slice of brown broad with either slices of cheese or chocolate sprinkles or jam. Together with (butter)milk, tea or coffee. Although many people prefer things like yoghurt with fruit as an alternative.

  4. Breakfast : skip or rožok + salad. By salad think about typical mayonnaise potato salad with ham and I like it spicy. Many people also prefer Treska which is Cod in mayonnaise.

    Lunch(warm meal of the day) : At least every other day I eat soup. It can be either “sweet”, which is just called that, it’s not actually sweet or sour(sour cream is main ingredient). Main dish can be anything from šišky(fried dough with sugar on top that you eat with jam) to regular meat(usually pork or chicken breasts) + side dish(usually potatoes or rice).

    Dinner : most of my dinners are very similar. I usually eat two slices of bread, meat(anything from sausages to tuna in can) with mustard or tabasco, cheese(usually local cow milk cheeses or bryndza) and veggies(can be pretty seasonal like radish or spring onion, but onions, garlic, tomatoes and paprika are most common).

    Snacks : When it comes to sweet snacks I prefer milk chocolate above everything else and my most favorite is Milka Choco Jelly. But pretty much I would eat most of the sweet snacks. For salty snacks I prefer potato chips with garlic flavor.

  5. I like to cook and bake and when I am at home, there are actually never two times in the week the same dish, unless we have guests and there is so much left over that the next day we eat the leftovers from the day before, yesterday, for example, we ate garlic soup, I use a Czech recipe, Česnečka, today we have homemade pizza.

    What we really eat regularly the week is Havregrød for breakfast. Is a dish from my girlfriend’s native Denmark, the English would call it porridge. Oats cooked in water or milk, made with or without sugar and butter, and can be topped with dried fruit, fresh fruit, chia seeds, cardamom, nuts, honeys and syrups, basically, you can throw almost anything in there that tastes good.

  6. Basic meal (lunch ) is like meat + 2 or 3 side dishes .
    Breakfast and dinner is different for all of us.

  7. Breakfast: cereal or porridge as it comes into winter

    Lunch: chicken salad most days, or leftovers from dinner the day before

    Dinner: I’d say I have about 15-20 go to meals which I cycle through, lots of meat, potato, sauce and veg variations to suit the swede in the house, with some more fun to cook things like curries and stir fries thrown in

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