Excluding female family members or women you know through their partner, etc.

It seems like a lot of women have male friends that they aren’t attracted to and have no interest in potentially dating. It also seems like a lot of men have a “well, if it happens” mentality in terms of having a relationship with their female friends.

Do you consider a woman’s attractiveness before deciding if you want to hang out with her?

  1. How often i initiate them? Idk I’m not really making friends via the “cold approach” technique lol. But do I have female friends I’m not sexually attracted to? Yes, that’s why I haven’t tried to make them more than friends.

  2. Personally, I (21M) will initiate friendships if I get the feeling they’re a good friend. I don’t find myself thinking about whether or not they’re attractive or not most of the time.

  3. About half my close circle are women I’m not attracted to. About 5 close ones n a lot more that are not as close. A good 15-20 more friends that fit the question. They’re hella gorgeous just ain’t people I’m personally into

    Hit enter too early… I’d say there’s a good mix of me or them initiating. I only consider attractiveness in the sense that if I wanna fuck someone then I’m not bein friends with em.

  4. I have female friends that I’m not attracted to and also those that I might be attracted to but because of circumstances acting on that is off the table (friends wives, etc)

    Women are valuable for other things besides sex, sometimes they know stuff for instance (tech or whatever) or they’re just interesting for whatever reason.

    It’s possible to appreciate an attractive woman for her attractiveness and then move on to other things. I like sports cars too but there’s no way I could drive all of them at once.

  5. I have a bunch of purely platonic female friends and it’s chill. Some of them are like sisters to me. The rest are fun to hang around with as well. And no, I never care about looks when it comes to friendships. I have physically disabled friends as well. Looks don’t matter, I just want a cool person to chat with and have fun.

  6. Would be the only women I’d initiate a platonic hang out with.

    If I want to bang you and am single, I’ll flirt with you.

    If I want to bang you and am taken, I won’t initiate any hangouts, “platonic” or otherwise.

  7. often. i have lunch with my women coworkers sometimes, though they’re typically 18-21ish. young people are fun to have convos with. they’ll learn much more than we old folks will ever know 🙂

    i have other platonic friends, a couple women i’ve known since hs, a couple of women i befriended way back in college, one of my former english professors, my former college credit advisor, the lady who’s been a barista at the starbucks around here for like 15 years, all of my women neighbors + their daughters (and their sons, they’re nice people too)….

    quite a few. no attraction to any of them. especially not the 18-21 women, but that goes without saying (i’m 42 haha).

  8. I used to play in a casual co-ed football league. We would all go out after the games. Some of the women were planning a trip to a local city for a fest, and I was interested. We all became friends outside the team, and did social things together. I was never attracted to them (one became attracted to me, but that’s a different story). We all shared common interests and that was the core of our friendship.

  9. My friend brings his wife to a lot of stuff, but otherwise never. Generally I only hang out with a woman if she’s a part of a larger group at the time, or if I’m attracted to her and want to date her, whichcase I usually tell her.

  10. I don’t actually go out of my way to make friends, male or female. All my friends are friends made through shared circumstance, e.g. school, work, martial arts, societies. I get on with pretty much anybody. That includes women to whom I am not attracted.

  11. Almost never, not actively in any case.

    If you flip it around, why would dudes go randomly running around actively seeking the “Friend Zone”

    But I have initiated “work friendships” with a few women I have zero attraction to.

  12. I have a couple of female friends. Their attractiveness doesn’t factor into me wanting to be friends with them. They’re cool as fuck and I want to hang out with them.

  13. I don’t really go looking to find new people to hang out with male or female, I have more friends then I can keep up with

    If I’m trying to meet someone new it’s not for anything platonic

  14. Very few women that I meet are not to some degree or another attractive, but it doesn’t usually happen only because I’m looking for more than someone to enjoy a mutual interest … but the first thing I want in an SO is thst we are close/good friends, so if we are/become that, I might well be interested in exploring more.

  15. Honestly no.

    If I’m not attracted to a woman I don’t make the effort to try to turn her from a work-buddy or class-buddy (when I was in college) to a real friend.

    As an adult it takes effort to make somebody into a friend.

  16. I have a couple women I work with that I consider friends, but we never hangout after work 1 on 1.

    I don’t care how ugly my friends are, male or female.

  17. Attraction doesnt matter for friendships. At least for me.
    Im sure some people want people with similar looks and all for when they are in public, but i dont give a shit.

  18. If i can’t fuck what’s the point? sorry but that’s just how i was raised. In new jersey we are just different i suppose ha. feel free to downvote i don’t give a fuck

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