Hi, we met on tinder a week ago and I asked her about diet recommendations cause she’s a dietitian and told her I’m preparing for a bodybuilding contest and I joked a little in the end. We talked earlier to meet next week when uni starts. Never heard from her again. She’s constantly online. Did I scare her off? 😂

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  1. Probably not at all. It’s an extreme (no different than someone who is very obese, just in the opposite way). Extremes mean you attract ‘niche’ partners whereas it’s not going to appeal broadly. Some may find the aspect of dating a body builder to be quite borish given the gym time and dietary routines.

    Not a bad thing, but it’s not going to boost frequency of dates either.

  2. If all you did was talk about dieting, maybe she got bored of the conversation? There is a stigma that bodybuilders get really nerdy on nutrition and fitness. Maybe she wasn’t down for that?

  3. > I asked her about diet recommendations cause she’s a dietitian

    Did you offer to pay her her hourly rate for consultations? She might have been annoyed at being asked for free advice.

    “I’ll discipline you” — she might have thought that intimidating and not taken it entirely as a joke.

  4. Some women may or may not be iffy about dating a bodybuilder.

    In this particular case though there’s no definite indication that it happened because of that.

  5. Depends on the person.

    Generally none of my friends who date a body builder (most wouldn’t even go near someone who is a gym addict).

    They generally have strict diets (makes food dates difficult), have strict workout routines (their first relationship is with the gym rather than you) and tbh it makes most women feel insecure.

    There is a niche of women that like big guys, but they are a minority.

  6. A girl once told me that she agreed on a date with me cause she thought she could fight me if needed…

  7. Not scared. It’s just not really attractive. I work in the fitness industry and most of the people I know who compete aren’t that exciting. Much of their life revolves around how they look, which is lame

  8. I don’t think so.

    I was powerlifting in college and I think the girls really, really liked it.

    I dated a softball player who was 6’2″ and two inches taller than me. She liked I could throw her over my shoulder or princess -carry her.

    Also, girls appreciate if you can do hip thrusters for a few hours. Apparently it’s more fun than a few minutes.

    Also, might be considered a kink? The bodybuilder is definitely a stereotype.

    Just imo.

  9. “My muscles. Me. Food. Jokes about being controlling. Me. My muscles.” Image image image …. Nah can’t see where you could have gone wrong here!

  10. I feel like some people are intimated by body builders especially if they’re not fit or into the gym

    This girl specifically was probably just bored of the convo though

  11. As a women it’s intimidating to be with/ date a guy who you dont think you can keep up with as much like really struggle so definitely chill the bodybuilding talk as i think that’s really just gym talk. Ask her about herself and listen to what she says and talk about that, no one wants to sit and listen to someone bragging about something that they can’t fully relate to or relate to at all

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