I’m hoping to get there someday.

  1. Goodluck on your journey. I am only 33 but for me happiness comes from self reflection and knowing what I want in life. To me I just want a beautiful woman to share it with. I have that so I am pretty happy. I do not measure success on material things and I try to minimize my wants.

  2. My friend’s grandad who was around seventy had saying. “All I need is a good book, a good pint, and a comfy chair and with every sip the story gets more and more intriguing. Then I’m shouting at the characters in the book and crying like a little baby over the smallest of things.”

  3. I’m basic guy with a basic philosophy, stop invest so much emotional stock in anything thats not:
    Sucking your dick= relationship
    Paying your bills= job
    Don’t have your last name= family
    That’s what works for me, trying to fit in and keep up with everything and everyone else is tiring. The first step is to figure out peace is to figure out who you are as a man and work towards be the best version of that person.

  4. Got honest with myself about what I wanted in life. Then I went and got it. The harder part is keeping people out of your life who want to ruin your peace. And that comes down to being indifferent to how people feel about you and just getting in someone’s face once in a while and telling them you’re not gonna take their shit. When you’re comfortable with enough discomfort to make someone else uncomfortable enough to leave, that absolutely radiates from a person.

  5. I found my peace (my truth) when I finally understood that the results and outcomes in my life were truly my own; no excuses, no explanations, and not a victim. That was the best thing I ever experienced. It was difficult, but I’ve never been happier and haven’t looked back.💪

  6. A lot of work, therapy, some medication for a while. I have serious rage issues, but I manage now with meditation, martial arts, my family, and time alone out in the woods. Keep at it.

  7. 49. When I signed the divorce papers. Turns out I didn’t have anxiety or depression – I was just living with an asshole.

  8. I just turned 40. I think the last thing I need to do to finally find peace is to forgive my family. It’s so hard though. I still have plent up anger and resentment.

  9. Travel and you will find that that which you seek was already there. You’ll see that people with a fraction of what you have have learned to find peace and happiness.

  10. I think I found peace long before 40. I have always been myself and never put up.a front to please others. I never get angry or too emotionally involved. A friend of mine (who suffers from a lot of problems) listened to my philosophy and said “it sounds like you are taking the easy way out”. I guess but it truly gives me peace.

  11. Around 30.

    I quit doing things i didn’t enjoy, that i was doing just to try to fit in. And i quit hanging out with people doing stuff i don’t enjoy.

    Like people who are into sports. I’d sit there and pretend to be into the game we’d be watching, even though i was bored out of my mind. I quit doing shit like that and quit hanging out with them. They are nice enough people, i just don’t share common interests with them.

    Trying to be somebody i wasn’t and doing things i didn’t enjoy was a big reason i wasn’t happy. Yes. I still have to do shit like go to work, even though i don’t enjoy it, but that’s just something that needs done to be able to live.

  12. Teens – lived life in reckless abandon

    20s – still engaged in juvenile mischief but finished college and started a career

    30s – more focus on adulating, family and career

    40s – stable family, better career, better financial stability

    Now, early 50s – wiser from experience, secured with family and finances.

    Teens to early 20’s, was all about being cool. Wearing the hippest clothes, shoes, etc.; going to famous clubs and partying; getting wasted; getting laid; owning the latest gadgets, etc.

    Starting a career in the mid-20s was still clouded with the penchants of youth.

    I was around late 30’s that I fully realized what really matters in life as against that which is superficial.

    Looking back it was hard work that led to stability. Maturity and experience has a way of teaching that every failure was a lesson and whilst life was not always what you hope for, you just keep grinding.

    Never measure your progress or success against anyone else (but yourself.) Happiness is not about having everything. Contentment, in whatever stage you are in your life, brings peace.

    One last thing, always try to have fun. Do not take life too seriously, you never come out of it alive. =)

  13. When I threw everybody out of my house and became semi-reclusive , turned my phone off , and started working on cars out of my shop (for myself) oh , and putting a gate up at the end of my driveway…..I CREATED peace , I didn’t find it….✌🤘

  14. Prioritise. My wife asked me when would I be satisfied with life, and whether she and my kids were enough. Changed my perspective. Really demotivated me because I realised I already had everything that was important to me.

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