Me and this fwb cut things off a few months ago. I thought best thing to do was to give him space. So I did and finally after two months I texted him…no text back.

So he either ignored me or blocked me.

He still has me on facebook and facebook messenger though. I have thought of reaching out to him there, but I know it will only make me look more desperate. I have thought of deleting him. But not sure if I am ready yet.

Why would he still keep me on social media if he is blocking me on text message?

  1. Sounds like he’s just ignoring you so he didn’t go thru the whole song and dance in deleting you on FB. I wouldn’t read too much into it.

  2. Social media matters so little that most of the time it’s not even worth the miniscule amount of effort it takes to delete someone.

    Don’t try to contact him any further, no answer is an answer.

  3. Your question is if he still cares about you or in some way if there is an opening for you to his life just because he didn’t delete you on Facebook. The answer is: no there isnt, move on, he doesn’t care

  4. People are lazy and don’t care. Trust me he doesn’t care. Rather have you delete him or block him.

  5. More than likely he just couldn’t be bothered to delete you on there, especially if he doesn’t use it much

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