I have been friends with this person for so many years. Lately, I asked one of my close friend, who is also a mutual friend with him, the interactions and conversations that we had. I asked my friend if he asked those questions to her, and said no. When we hang out with our friends, sometimes he would try to get close to me, subtly touch me, and compliments my outfit.
Recently, he asked me the same question (and the same way he approached it) b/c this is the second time that he did it, about my relationship status.

In the past months, I had an intuition that there was something going on between us, I could feel the silent tension, as both of us wouldn’t say anything.

While he was doing all of this interactions with me, he likes another girl. Now, he is been going on dates with this person. He mentioned to me that he settling but happy. And the girl reminds him of his past girlfriends.

Don’t know for some reason, he suddenly puts me on delivered on Snapchat for almost three weeks, but would put his own stories, and watched my stories. Saw that his scores would go up, so feel like he is avoiding/ignoring my Snapchat on purpose.

We hang out with group of friends, he would interact with me, and have somewhat of a conversation.

Recently, he asked me to go for a drink with a mutual friend (girl). Our mutual friend decided to back down from the plan. I asked him what the plan will be, he decided to back down as well.

Haven’t express my thoughts/feelings to this to him b/c of the situation

TDLR- He flirts with girls, as our another mutual friend would say, and known as is closer to him than me.

  1. Did you friend zone him? Sounds like he was trying to show interest and it wasn’t being reciprocated so he gave up.

  2. If you really like him then you’re going to need to tell him.. if you want to try for a relationship, doesn’t sound like he’s going to reach out to you about it.

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