Not the first time you had a sip of beer/wine, but when you regularly started drinking with friends. What did you drink and where did you drink?

I was 16 (1991). We went to pubs where we could get served. We also went to a local indie club where they dgaf about us being under age. I mainly drank cider but wasn’t too choosy. My Mum would even buy me a couple of cans!

  1. 14/15 I think. Not sure how as definitely didn’t look old enough (24 now and sometimes still getting ID’d for alcohol, depends if my tattoos are on show or not lol). We went to a pub down the road from my mate’s house then a friend asked the landlord’s daughter out and her bf told the landlord we were all underage and that was the end of that! Found somewhere else pretty quickly

  2. Probably 15ish.

    By 16 we were going clubbing most weekends and most of our year group were doing the same.

    Early 90s

  3. About 24 (a few years ago). I’ll have maybe one or two drinks at home maybe once a week, then a couple if I go out to dinner with someone (not very common).

    What I’m still trying to get the balance of is nights out. Have only had three in the past few years, but two resulted in hangovers.

    One was last week, where I had 20 whiskeys and ended up throwing up in my sleep. Most people probably had that experience for the first time at 16… but yeah I know not to do that now at least.

  4. I started drinking not in pubs when I was about 13 or 14. Grew up in a small town where there was fuck all else to do. I always looked older so used to get sent to the shops to buy booze and fags for everyone. They never questioned me even though I would by buying like 20 Smirnoff ices and 20 Bacardi breezers with five different makes of fags. I didn’t go out to pubs/clubs till I my friends looked older though – I think we were 16, possibly 15. The first time I was ever id’d was after I turned 18 🤣

  5. 14, usually drinking at house parties or getting fucked on lambrini in the local park. Got into a club at 17 with a friends ID, they’re really hot on ID where I live.

  6. 14-15. 1988. Most pubs didn’t care as long as you didn’t get wasted, and we avoided the ones with the teachers.

  7. I decided at age 16 to stop having sips of alcohol, and become tee-total a choice I’ve stuck with for 13 years.

  8. 12.. I was a big kid, so I used to get mine and the older kids booze from the shop.. or buy the cases of esp from the local ‘guy’.. I miss them little dumpy bottles tbh

  9. Probably about 17. I’ve had a beard since I was like 14 but didn’t really take full advantage of it until a bit later, could get served since 16 so had many a night getting pissed in the park off a crate of Stella. A wife beater at 16 you might say.

  10. 17. I had a full beard at 16 so just didn’t shave for 3 days before going into the offy. Didn’t question it.

    It’d work periodically before the. But 17 was when it became effortless.

  11. 15. And by regular I don’t mean the old “getting pissed in a field at 15” that people love to boastfully claim. It was the working man’s club round the corner from me. You had to be buzzed in so they didn’t worry about the police and they had ground rules with the “younger regulars” which were that the pumps were free game but the top shelf was off limits and mess up, even once and you’re barred until you’re 18.

    Drank in there until I was about 20. Come to think of it, the steward wouldn’t serve us until we became members. Which was just to get an application form and have it signed by other members to endorse you, that was the only requirement haha (luckily my grandad and his friends were members so that was easy enough).

  12. About 50.

    Before that I used to drink in crazed irregular binges that caused intermittent mayhem in my life and those of everyone around me.

  13. 14. Started going round town with mates. Boggles my mind who we got in pubs and clubs but I live in a uni city so bouncers must have though I was a student. Helped I was very tall. Used to regularly bump into teachers

  14. We drank occasionally at 13/14 but became regulars at 15+ once one of our group looked old enough to buy booze and we didn’t have to rely on an older brother.

    The local petrol station offered that mate a job when he was 16 because they figured he was old enough to sell booze. Had to invent a whole different job for him to cover for it.

  15. I was 15 I think, back when you could do the pub and get served underage and no one cared

  16. 14, would go to forests or fields with mates and drink lambrini or those 2l plastic bottles of cider. Would often ask strangers to go in the shop to buy us it 🙉 Then when we were 16 we would go round the pubs and bars in the local town.

    This was growing up in the north of England and I think this is pretty cultural/common. I’m well travelled and when I’ve told people from other countries this, they seem really shocked. I’m not proud of it l, but we did have a lot of fun.

  17. 16 when I was drinking regularly. Drinking at home or friends houses. I’d usually be able to buy it myself by then. My parents were aware and were OK. I didn’t go over the top with it.

  18. Have never drink regularly, very exceptional circumstances ir Christmas, but even then very rarely

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