I’m moving out soon and find that living in your parents nice house and then moving to a crappy apartment may come with an adjustment period.

  1. Didn’t mind it that much as I was just happy to get away from my folks, and their nagging. I was already doing my own stuff and responsibilities at home, so it wasn’t much of an adjustment.

  2. Personally it was great. I absolutely loved it. The only thing I advise is buy all your cleaning stuff/kitchen stuff/bathroom while you’re still at home and have the extra income. That stuff is a whopper of an expense at first if you’re tight on cash.

  3. Like everything, it has its ups and downs. Upsides were complete freedom, stay out/up as late as I want without bothering my parents, don’t feel like doing the dishes right now no one cares, etc.

    Downsides social isolation, falling into a rut, more responsibility with paying bills/shopping/etc.

  4. gotta keep the place clean yourself, mind your bills, and enjoy your space without the parents nagging. it’s a lot of work that’s totally worth it!!

  5. It was interesting I moved out for college. So one day from the other I had all the freedom. It was a bit of adjustment because I controlled all aspects of my life. It was nice.

  6. It is an adjustment but personally I think it is worth it. You can develop into your own person and have a sense of pride in your own place. You can invite girls over without having too many questions. You can throw parties if you want. Or if you are me you can just drink beer and watch tv in the evenings, but you can watch whatever you want.

  7. I had to learn to do a lot of things because my mom was very big on doing chores her way. Learning simple things like how to vacuum, wash and dry clothing, cook, handle food safely, I’d never done before in my life.

  8. You really do find yourself from living alone and trying out different things. (The way you arrange your furniture, grocery list, diet, etc. )

    I highly suggest going minimalist at first. That way you can really get to meet yourself and learn what is a necessity to you personally.

    What you use at home is far different than what you use living in your own place. There is a whole side to you that you haven’t gotten to know yet and it takes years to learn about.

  9. I was a late bloomer in that respect due to some health and then mental issues. I was 27 when I moved out and I was beyond ready to be out of my parents house. My parents aren’t overbearing and were actually not bar to live with as an adult but at some point you just reach an age where you need to be on your own. I moved in with my best friend and it was a great time in my life honestly.
    I had MY neighborhood. MY local store, etc.

  10. The loneliness hit me hard. I really enjoyed living with my parents through college and briefly afterwards. 2 years later and I’ve grown immensely into a truly independent person. I honestly think had I not moved away, I would’ve been a bit stunted or stuck.

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